It could be, but none of the models that are dry have the resolution to resolve convection. Many of the ones that do, like the 3km NAM and the WRF-ARW2 pound us. I was also reading a WPC event summary from December 2017 for Texas and they mentioned those two models handling that event best for their area. Totally, and I do mean totally, different situation here but further adds some credibility to them. I know I tout the RGEM, and it may well end up being correct, but it actually has worse resolution that the ECMWF I believe, and it definitely doesn't have the resolution of the NAM so perhaps it is struggling with this extremely convective system also. I'm not trying to wish cast, I'm going to look like a moron at work where I put out my forecast to 7 offices across the state this afternoon if I'm wrong. This one is going to be a lot of fun to look back on and learn, hopefully after several days of playing in the snow