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Wintry January 3rd-6th, 2018 Winter Storm The ARCC/Xtreme Weather Special

So you think this will end up being a classic Miller A track? You don't seem to be giving up on this idea. Would be interesting if what you said comes to reality.
He has been adamant on his prediction. Fwiw A few days ago this storm had an inland track
Not going to cut if folks....phase is a bit late on there. little less qpf near the SAV coast areas vs 12z run so far.
Well, not going to lie, I thought we would see a little bit better of a trend on the doc, but it didn't happen....I might be eating crow...lol Still plenty of time, but euro didn't budge west at all. to be honest, it looks a little worse than the 12z run
Well, not going to lie, I thought we would see a little bit better of a trend on the doc, but it didn't happen....I might be eating crow...lol Still plenty of time, but euro didn't budge west at all. to be honest, it looks a little worse than the 12z run
They can't all be winners. Happy New Years and thanks for the pbp
Not wishcasting at all but based on what I've been reading, it seems like a battle of the globals vs mesoscale models seem to be setting up.

Quite possible that we maybe settling into a general idea of the players and the setup, but the corrections will likely occur towards the 11th hour... honestly, I think there will be some room to shift left maybe 100 miles but that's about it.
our problem is there is a late phase for 1, but 2...there is a lot of competition for energy in the west atl
Yeah I was wondering, 12z wasn't a whole lot and with this, suspected relatively the same thing.
NAVGEM still refused to budge, still abouy the same again...
ya, I think if your outside the coastal areas its going to be very tough to get moisture and precip. RDU might still have a shot, but if your not on or very near the coast this ones going to be tough I think unless we see a quicker phase.
It's not over yet.There plenty of time to trend this system much further Northwest.It has happened it has many times with Southeastern snowstorms.If the Low can develop in the Gulf,take a Northern Florida Track and hug the coast afterwards,we still have a shot.Looking at the recent Nam models and it's significant west trends and the Rgem model,which closes off the main wave,there's still a chance.