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Wintry January 3rd-6th, 2018 Winter Storm The ARCC/Xtreme Weather Special

That German joint came NW

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Das ist gut.
Overall about the same precipitation wise in NC, actually increased a little south of Raleigh, decreased a smidge in the northern coastal plain and tidewater and about the same for the Triangle
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Don't you know I only care about the northern coastal plain lol.... jk. I really didn't expect too much to change with it, GFS seems to be the drier solution atm which is fine by me. Cautiously optimistic that the Euro is gonna keep the good trends going and maybe it will actually show what we want at the surface
That ICON run throws a monkey wrench in all of this, along with the cut off the RGEM showed. Guys, we aren't going to know until 24 hours out wow!
DR NO is on the stage. Here we goooooooo
Chris, do you use an inhouse source still, or stormvista? Stormvista seems to be the fastest, outside larry's private source from what I have seen. On weatherbell the 00z has not "initialized" yet.
If it's closes off what would happen
This could lead to the SFC low pressure storm end up being in the Gulf,which shifts the track way further west,which leads to massive strengthening with the SFC low hugging the coast if not go a little inland.This could lead to areas like most of Alabama, Northern Georgia,Upstate South Carolina,and maybe Western North Carolina getting snow.May also result in a major snowstorm for areas like Macon,Augusta, Columbia,Fayetteville,Greensboro,Raleigh,Rocky Mount,Virginia Beach,etc
This could lead to the SFC low pressure storm end up being in the Gulf,which shifts the track way further west,which leads to massive strengthening with the SFC low hugging the coast if not go a little inland.This could lead to areas like most of Alabama, Northern Georgia,Upstate South Carolina,and maybe Western North Carolina getting snow.May also result in a major snowstorm for areas like Macon,Augusta, Columbia,Fayetteville,Greensboro,Raleigh,Rocky Mount,Virginia Beach,etc

So you think this will end up being a classic Miller A track? You don't seem to be giving up on this idea. Would be interesting if what you said comes to reality.