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Wintry January 3rd-6th, 2018 Winter Storm The ARCC/Xtreme Weather Special

Uhm. What's happening here?

What the heck?! A double barrel low?? What in the heck would the show on the surface. Wow
That could just be a surface low that we don't need to even worry about. On the other hand, what in the world is going on and if that showed up, there has to be some kind of moisture in there, right?

Not sure if it's related to the topography of the appalachians, but this is a very potent upper level trough and there's likely to be some precipitation underneath it esp over the mountains w/ an assist from orographic lift
Appears the 00z UKMET run may have ticked west.

Yep, the main low is well offshore, but there's so much lift & diffluence underneath the parent upper level trough axis that a nice extrusion of precipitation extends well to NW all the way into the piedmont of the Carolinas on this run
Resembles a norlun trough in some aspects...

Yep, it does to some extent, norlun troughs take unpredictability to a whole other level and global models rarely resolve or accurately predict their placement, evolution, and intensity. Mesoscale models can perform okay-ish inside 24-30 hours or so but I wouldn't go out much further than that