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Wintry January 14-16th storm potential.

So obviously there is still a major difference between the globals and the hi-res......but has anybody been able to distinguish what the difference is?
Apples and oranges. The wimpy LP we're dealing with this time isn't even on the same planet as the 93 triple-phaser.

The way Alabama overachieves is the shallow arctic air pushes further south and east and the overrunning precip advertised winds up being underdone as is often the case. Ice baby ice save for extreme northern areas of Mississippi, Alabama, and perhaps NW Georgia.
THINKING OUTLOUD HERE FOR PURE DISCUSSION. CAUTION ALWAYS LEARNING HERE!!! I agree but they do have influence on snow in our area. In no way was I suggesting by any measure this approaching system being anywhere in the realm of 93. (My Opinion upcoming)Most decent overrunning events seem to be more successful from I-20 corridor south. It's strange but my personal observations seem to have most over running events falling short for North Alabama. There have
Been a few, but nothing of real significance that I can recall from memory. (Most forecasts seem to bust) this conversation does make me ask why would that be? Part of me thinks the WAA slows the frontal passage allowing better cooling and enhanced moisture influx allowing for the wetbulb effect to take place and cool thenlayers of the atmosphere enough to get decent snow. Where as further north the push of the WAA is not as strong allowing for complete frontal passage before wetbulbing which subsequently leaves cold air chasing precipitation. Or on the other hand the cold drier airmass dries the atmosphere as it heads south and it arrives dried up. These are thoughts coming out loud for discussion in hopes of learning something so someone teach me something!
Yea, I don't think the RAP is sophisticated enough to realize downsloping is going to kill gpf down here in the valley. I hope I am wrong and we get a few inches but not excited about things as they are right this second.
RAP always runs very wet

Brad Travis WAFF 48 Meteorologist

44m ·
It’s been a long time since I have seen such consistently from the long range models. This is the Saturday afternoon European model. It has an inch of snow on the ground in Huntsville by 9am Monday. A large area of 4-6” by Tuesday morning. I will have a YouTube live from my channel Sunday.
Will be interesting to see if today was a blip (over correction) or if the ticks back north continue. Could be jumps or models getting a better understanding of the environment after the last storm. Will be interesting to see how the 00z model runs go.