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Wintry January 14-16th storm potential.

Happy for everyone getting good snow out of this. Hardly anything happening in Huntsville at the moment, back to very light sleet showers. The temperature does continue to drop however, down to 22/19 here.In Rogersville. Heavy bursts of snow the change back to sleet quickly. 19 here now with a steady sleet shower. The snow is a dry fluffy powder and sleet is small hard frozen so it has ample time/depth to freeze solidly.
It really is. We have a full proof cold weather shield in place. I’m interested to see if if actually moves when it is supposed to. I feel like it’s actually gone north some today.
I hung around 34 for a long time but have gone all the way to 39. Not sure if it is the ridge or just solar. I have a feeling when the sun goes down the front will start pushing south.
I hung around 34 for a long time but have gone all the way to 39. Not sure if it is the ridge or just solar. I have a feeling when the sun goes down the front will start pushing south.
This was the 3kNAM at 18z yesterday for highs this afternoon:

This is what we have currently: