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Pattern Jammin' January

For those that are tossing the 18z GFS run, you shouldn't. The storm system is under 300 hrs. We're talking mid range, not long range. The 18z GFS run maybe the first run to work off of to look for trends on future model runs. You should not toss it.

300 hours does not delineate the medium from the long-range, it's not even close. Closer to 120-168 hours is more applicable, we're a very long ways off from that.
Need that big storm low for 1/24 to swing further south to give south Louisiana a good thumping. The overall trend is very encouraging though.

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The models have consistently agreed to a pattern change. One that should produce a winter storm for a lot of the southeast. I really think that’s been pretty consistent

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GEFS is on the clock and I think outside of one ensemble based on the COD meteorology website it doesn't show a similar solution. :rolleyes: Oh well.

It might end up being a bit better than recent runs though, we'll see.

Again this solution was in the gefs envelope of possible solutions . We shouldn’t see a drastic change on the 18z gefs

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300 hours does not delineate the medium from the long-range, it's not even close. Closer to 120-168 hours is more applicable, we're a very long ways off from that.
So, you're saying this storm system isn't in the mid range with it being in the 1/23 - 1/24 time frame? which is not far off from with it being in the 7 day window. Besides, the beginnings of the storm is under 240hrs. Mid range IMO.
Oh my John ceserish on channel 4 just said we could have a winter storm the middle of next week. Can you believe he even mention something over 7 days away. I hope someone else heard that

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So, you're saying this storm system isn't in the mid range with it being in the 1/23 - 1/24 time frame? which is not far off from with it being in the 7 day window. Besides, the beginnings of the storm is under 240hrs. Mid range IMO.

Short range: 0-84hrs (short range models)

Mid range: 84-168 (models usually “lock down” a storm in mid range

Long range: 168+ Expect massive shifts run to run
So, you're saying this storm system isn't in the mid range with it being in the 1/23 - 1/24 time frame? which is not far off from with it being in the 7 day window. Besides, the beginnings of the storm is under 240hrs. Mid range IMO.
That storm is no less than 9 to even 10 days out, I wouldn’t consider this the medium range .