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Tropical Hurricane Zeta

Considering NWS just bumped us up to a High Wind Warning I'd say they agree

and already over 200K without power in the state, dang!

The models are beefing up the 900-925mb wind field as the jet interaction is better ( or stronger ) than modeled ( maybe since the storm deepened so much late ) and now it looking like it actually gets stronger the closer to the coast it gets....so maybe the 50-55 mph stuff will be more widespread, gonna be in and out fast though probably only a hr or so of gust like that....

Zeta’s center passed right over my area. Look at that drop!

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I’ve been up off and on since 4 this morning as the worst of the wind and rain was moving in. The winds weren’t as bad as Irma was, but it was still a rough go of it, it was really roaring out there. I heard what sounded like a transformer blowing out off in the distance, but thankfully I didn’t lose power. It flickered a couple times and the cable boxes kept shutting off and rebooting but that was it. I haven’t left the house yet, but from what I’ve seen no tree damage outside other than a long skinny tree branch that almost stretches from the left/right side of the backyard fence sitting in the middle of the backyard. I know some trees have fallen near me per watching some local news this morning tho. My sister and my nieces and nephew are in East Point they lost power, but got it back around an hour ago.
Had a 21 mph gust earlier. Seems to be dying down now.
I need to get my station on top of the house.
According to my Tempest, I've had 2 gusts at 21 so far. Average wind speed and gusts appear to be trending upwards with time. Maybe will get one in the 30s soon.

Got a little sun peaking out too. Feels great outside.