Met winter is Dec 1st to Feb 29th. March starts met spring temp wise. Snow averages in March are right around December snow averages though.To me he mentions two things that continue to throw normals out the window, continued very low arctic ice and very warm oceans. Unless either of those two things change drastically, we are where we are.
I also keep seeing people mention: "winter doesn't start until the 21st." That date is really meaningless when it comes to winter storms or colder temperature averages. Our coolest months are December and January. The last day of "winter" in this area has an average high of 66F, March 21st, whereas the average high on December 1st if 59F. One could only logically deduce that you have a greater chance of anything frozen in early to middle December over middle March. Perhaps I'm wrong on that, but numbers don't lie.