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Misc Fall - End of 2019 Whamby

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Folks let’s keep profile reporting confidential member have right to be discrete
TBH while I think the chances of it happening is very low, Ive been here long enough to see this happen, and it come back, it was bad 0z runs, and sloppy 06z runs, but if the 12z gets worse, than I think it’s safe to say it’s going away, if it shows good stuff again, watch everybody flip out again, it’s nothing new and the past 2 winter I’ve been looking at this place, it happens all the time, living or dying based off the models, lol
He opinion she opinion I got opinion but who beCause mod said opinion
I'm still fairly new here and am more of a lurker than a poster, but I wanted to thank everyone who posts models, analogs, and provides their take on the pattern at hand. This board feels like a tight knit community and I'm glad to be a part of it, despite my limited knowledge of various parts of the weather (only got through 2 years of a college meteorology program). I especially appreciate those who take the time to formulate their own predictions based on the data at hand. Bashing them seems counterproductive.

That being said.....I want some damn snow. I don't miss 2'+ storms and 100"+ winters in New England, but is it asking too much for a couple inches here and there? (I know the answer to this is yes, I am asking too much)
I'm still fairly new here and am more of a lurker than a poster, but I wanted to thank everyone who posts models, analogs, and provides their take on the pattern at hand. This board feels like a tight knit community and I'm glad to be a part of it, despite my limited knowledge of various parts of the weather (only got through 2 years of a college meteorology program). I especially appreciate those who take the time to formulate their own predictions based on the data at hand. Bashing them seems counterproductive.

That being said.....I want some damn snow. I don't miss 2'+ storms and 100"+ winters in New England, but is it asking too much for a couple inches here and there (I know the answer to this is yes, I am asking too much)?

More Georgia folks! Welcome and don’t be shy, as you can tell most on here are not.

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More Georgia folks! Welcome and don’t be shy, as you can tell most on here are not.

No doubt. I just let me more knowledgeable people speak up, especially the ones who have lived down here all their lives and know the patterns inside and out. Now I'm more than happy to talk about nor'easters and Alberta clippers, have plenty experience with those. My last winter in the northeast (2010-2011) was a nightmare, especially January (snowiest month in history in CT, 54 inches!). It definitely played a part in me moving down here.
What is being wish cast in the December thread?

It's rain ...

As we get closer, the models back off such cold air. The GFS (FV3) was known to have a problem overdoing CAD from last year.
Why do you make sense some times and other times your off in the deep end, lol.


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And, also, I want to know how much time and effort goes into creating a weather model of your own that can open Photoshop and draw lines all over the place.

I think an in-house WRF with tweaked parameters would have saved a lot of time and effort... seriously. You can install it here: https://github.com/wrf-model/WRF

Just tweak it up with your own parameters and produce some great localized forecasts for your back yard. Personally my version has the snow to rain cutoff at 84F. You guys should see how much model snow I get, even in the Summer!
So because you and others disagree with what his opinion is on a system he should change his tone?? Haha..Do his opinions really effect you that
So because you and others disagree with what his opinion is on a system he should change his tone?? Haha..Do his opinions really effect you that much?

The answer to the first question is no. That wasnt what was stated in the post. The answer to the second question is yes. In the context of this weather forum, yes it does effect me. It effected me enough to make a post about it. Just as my comment affected you enough to respond. Now in the broader context of life in general, no. It doesn't effect me at all. But this isn't a "Life in General" forum. And if you truly like this forum and want it to continue to prosper then you should be well aware of the effects of allowing persistent hyperbolic posts such as his to continue to go on unchecked. Checks and balances. Give and take. Opinion vs opinion. Facts vs facts. That makes for proper argument and a good discussion. I'm merely playing my half of the role.
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