The president is back to the WH after 4 days since diagnosis, two O2 drops, and steroid treatment...after receiving a antibody cocktail that likely saved his life, and you have no faith in modern medicine?
Early on, research showed mostly ages 65+ were at greatest risk of death from covid.
Early on, probabMarch, we knew 80% of cases were asymptomatic.
So your first two questions I’m not really understanding. That’s nothing new.
This is about avoiding unnecessary death. It’s easy to not think of small percentages as people, but maybe you’d understand if a family member or someone close to you went downhill fast and died from covid. Someone younger and healthier than a grandma or grandpa. Maybe then it would make sense, because I’m not sure why it still isn’t clicking after 6 months. Lucky for us we still have all winter for the light bulb toon.
How do we know it likely saved his life? I heard a doctor on the radio in AL today talking about how he dealt with patients who were older than Trump yet faired better than he did. I’ve read tons online of people who said their 90 year old whatever beat Covid.
It’s not that I have no faith in modern medicine, but that faith has dropped after watching the political theater it has engaged in. I’ve watched it tell me that asymptomatic infections were rare to now it could be 95% or greater. I’ve watched it say to flatten the curve because 5800 people in AL may die in two months to we must stay locked down for the most part until a vaccine which now may not work and can’t be trusted. I’ve seen the predictions that millions would die yet I’ve heard of one case in weeks. I’ve heard that it’s novel and we have no defense against it so everyone is very susceptible, much more than the flu, yet watched it hit my brother in law for a week and never infect his wife(who is high risk) or their four kids in his two week stay at home yet the flu infected all six of us two years ago at the same time.
So yes I’m very dubious.
I’m all for risk mitigation and I didn’t mind the lockdown to slow the spread, but good grief has “science” moved the goal posts.
You may be right about if a family member die of Covid. But I’m sure the family of the 30 year old who died and my boss who almost lost his dad to to the flu in 2017 feel the same way. I’m sure the people who have lost loved ones to suicide feel the same way.