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Coronavirus (Stay on Topic)

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But most offices and restaurants are still functioning right? I'm not trying to be argumentative, it's just I personally think saying we are locked down at this point is a bit much. I can go and do the things I choose to do with no restrictions. Maybe I'm boring.

As for sports I do agree that not having them is a big impact on local economy especially in the smaller markets. As for the owners/players hurting for money meh your greed caught up to you
They are but how productive is it? For me it doesn’t hurt but for others it’s hurting the business. Heck how many small businesses have closed the doors this year and to think maybe it wasn’t needed. Lockdown is probably not the right word to use but calling this virus a pandemic is a little much.
They are but how productive is it? For me it doesn’t hurt but for others it’s hurting the business. Heck how many small businesses have closed the doors this year and to think maybe it wasn’t needed. Lockdown is probably not the right word to use but calling this virus a pandemic is a little much.
Idk as a whole all I can really speak on is the businesses of friends and family close to me and so far thankfully they are fine. Thing of it is we all know the risk in both directions, people that start a small business know there is an inherent risk just like people who choose to not wear a mask and those who believe things should stay locked down. I actually agree with you that we should open and let people choose to take the risk. But we likely disagree on anything after that regarding protocols in place if that happened and measures to prevent further spread
Idk as a whole all I can really speak on is the businesses of friends and family close to me and so far thankfully they are fine. Thing of it is we all know the risk in both directions, people that start a small business know there is an inherent risk just like people who choose to not wear a mask and those who believe things should stay locked down. I actually agree with you that we should open and let people choose to take the risk. But we likely disagree on anything after that regarding protocols in place if that happened and measures to prevent further spread
I call it a quasi-lockdown because technically you can go and do some things, but there are many more restrictions and inconveniences...not to mention the things described above that have changed or are no longer available.

I do not think the human race is capable of remaining in this state for a long period of time. And I think the social and economic damage that has occurred, is occurring, and will continue to occur will outweigh the physical effects of the virus over the longer term.
I call it a quasi-lockdown because technically you can go and do some things, but there are many more restrictions and inconveniences...not to mention the things described above that have changed or are no longer available.

I do not think the human race is capable of remaining in this state for a long period of time. And I think the social and economic damage that has occurred, is occurring, and will continue to occur will outweigh the physical effects of the virus over the longer term.

That’s quite possible, if not likely, but the physical effects of the virus likely would have been much worse had the “quasi-lockdown” as you call it not been implemented. We’ll never know how bad it could have been as this is a pretty horrible virus. And don’t forget the longlasting effects on some of those not killed. In other words, we have no way to compare the negatives socially and economically with how bad physically it would have been with no “quasi-lockdowns”.

I “selfishly” like the quasi-lockdown/safety measures as I am the caregiver of my high risk brother.
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That’s quite possible, if not likely, but the physical effects of the virus likely would have been much worse had the “quasi-lockdown” as you call it not been implemented. We’ll never know how bad it could have been as this is a pretty horrible virus. And don’t forget the longlasting effects on some of those not killed. In other words, we have no way to compare the negatives socially and economically with how bad physically it would have been with no “quasi-lockdowns”.

I “selfishly” like the quasi-lockdown/safety measures as I am the caregiver of my high risk brother.
I have high risk family members as well, and it's not an easy situation. And we really don't know how many people are going to have long lasting effects, which I think is weird that we're not seeing reliable stats for "recovered, but recovered with ongoing issues". You can see the social and economic consequences unfolding before us. One day, the virus will diminish and the number of deaths and recovered will be known. But the social and particularly economic impacts will linger for years.
I have high risk family members as well, and it's not an easy situation. And we really don't know how many people are going to have long lasting effects, which I think is weird that we're not seeing reliable stats for "recovered, but recovered with ongoing issues". You can see the social and economic consequences unfolding before us. One day, the virus will diminish and the number of deaths and recovered will be known. But the social and particularly economic impacts will linger for years.

Indeed, but we still won’t know the number of deaths and cases that cause longlasting damage that would have occurred had there been no “quasi-lockdowns”. We’ll never know and thus no easy answer.
Lockdowns where to keep hospitals from being overrun. That has passed,never occurred. Past time in NC to get out of this phase 2 garbage. All its doing is wrecking peoples finacial lives.
Another person has been reinfected with COVID-19 in Ecuador. 8th reinfection case overall.

Yeah, this trope is getting a lot of play on social media lately I’ve noticed, and it’s very disingenuous and deceptive. I’m more surprised that 6% of death certificates list COVID as the only cause of death, though I imagine this was probably a result of the doctors just not bothering to fill out another cause of death when they were overwhelmed.
Thic county is almost 11% positive.
The AJC had an article yesterday showing how the Metro counties have been dropping their positive rate but the rural counties are still high. Could be testing limitations/availability or it could be that the more populated counties just dealt with a higher outbreak earlier.
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