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Coronavirus (Stay on Topic)

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After the Tcell article I posted last week inwas optimistic and still am but man thisnis disheartening to a degree.

After the Tcell article I posted last week inwas optimistic and still am but man thisnis disheartening to a degree.

Without herd immunity and effective vaccine how will this ever end?
CDC is reporting only 6% of deaths are reported where Covid-19 is the only cause of death. With deaths with Coronavirus positive test, the average person had 2.6 additional comorbidities. 6% of 181,180 is 10,870. 10,870 over 5,916,238 is .18% So, Coronavirus only CFR is really, really low. What is the flu's CFR with no comorbidity? IFR rate is probably closer to .018%. Unless you have another serious health condition, you will likely not die from Corona. We need to ditch the masks and lock-down insanity. If you have a comorbidity and you are over 65, you're advised to be more cautious, I think.
CDC is reporting only 6% of deaths are reported where Covid-19 is the only cause of death. With deaths with Coronavirus positive test, the average person had 2.6 additional comorbidities. 6% of 181,180 is 10,870. 10,870 over 5,916,238 is .18% So, Coronavirus only CFR is really, really low. What is the flu's CFR with no comorbidity? IFR rate is probably closer to .018%. Unless you have another serious health condition, you will likely not die from Corona. We need to ditch the masks and lock-down insanity. If you have a comorbidity and you are over 65, you're advised to be more cautious, I think.

We've never really been locked down. Also ditching masks would be incredibly foolish.
So, I guess we can throw out the argument that Trump told States to stop testing, or is that still a thing?

Asking for a friend.
We've never really been locked down. Also ditching masks would be incredibly foolish.

Case numbers are coming down. Hospitalizations are leveled off or dropping and all of this in NC AFTER cooper issued the mask order. Our cases had been steadily increasing even as he took us out of phase 1.

Case numbers are coming down. Hospitalizations are leveled off or dropping and all of this in NC AFTER cooper issued the mask order. Our cases had been steadily increasing even as he took us out of phase 1.

I know one thing, if the half-butt way AL is wearing masks is responsible for cutting cases and hospitalizations like they are falling in the state; a large number of doctors and politicians including Fauci need to be tarred, feathered and possibly jailed.
It looks like we are starting to see a second wave of Coronavirus in Western Europe now.
Over 6,100 new cases in France today and over 3,700 in Spain. Both countries were at negligible near-zero numbers a month or two ago. Deaths are still fairly low, but starting to creep up some. Looks like Paris is implementing a mandatory mask rule for anytime you are outside.

South Korea has also reported what I believe is their highest number of new cases (441) since their initial outbreak.
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But but the demon seed doctor lady told us this is gonna save us all....this is how science works.....and anyone that keeps saying these drugs help are just flat out wrong.......your opinion does not mean poop, you can "think" or "believe" whatever you want but your still wrong.

The researchers,, including Thibault Fiolet of Paris's Centre for Research in Epidemiology and Population Health, assessed 29 studies - processing the data of 11,932 patients who were treated with hydroxychloroquine, 8,081 who received hydroxychloroquine with azithromycin, and 12,930 in a control group that received neither.

Despite claims made by world leaders , the authors said the analysis “shows that hydroxychloroquine alone is not effective for the treatment of Covid-19 patients and that the combination of hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin increases the risk of mortality".
But but the demon seed doctor lady told us this is gonna save us all....this is how science works.....and anyone that keeps saying these drugs help are just flat out wrong.......your opinion does not mean poop, you can "think" or "believe" whatever you want but your still wrong.

The researchers,, including Thibault Fiolet of Paris's Centre for Research in Epidemiology and Population Health, assessed 29 studies - processing the data of 11,932 patients who were treated with hydroxychloroquine, 8,081 who received hydroxychloroquine with azithromycin, and 12,930 in a control group that received neither.

Despite claims made by world leaders , the authors said the analysis “shows that hydroxychloroquine alone is not effective for the treatment of Covid-19 patients and that the combination of hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin increases the risk of mortality".

There were two other studies that you touted a few months ago that were discovered to be using fraudulent data. Maybe wait a few months before you start posting a study that has yet to be properly peer reviewed.
It looks like we are starting to see a second wave of Coronavirus in Western Europe now.

You mean a second wave is going to hit Europe in the Fall as has been the case with almost every other outbreak? No wwwwaaaaayyyyyy!!!!!!!!!

Have fun with your social distancing now ? View attachment 47283

A ventilation system can move airborne viruses around the interior of a house or building? 9 months later and they're just discovering this well-known fact about airborne viruses.
There were two other studies that you touted a few months ago that were discovered to be using fraudulent data. Maybe wait a few months before you start posting a study that has yet to be properly peer reviewed.

Knock yourself out....

Knock yourself out....

Maybe stop posting about studies that you don't understand. You already posted about fraudulent studies.
Maybe stop posting about studies that you don't understand. You already posted about fraudulent studies.

I will post whatever studies I want, hell people linked stories here to a doctor promoting these drugs who literally believes demon rape women in their sleep and give them diseases and that the magic 8 ball toy is used to condition children to accept witchcraft etc....
Over 6,100 new cases in France today and over 3,700 in Spain. Both countries were at negligible near-zero numbers a month or two ago. Deaths are still fairly low, but starting to creep up some. Looks like Paris is implementing a mandatory mask rule for anytime you are outside.

South Korea has also reported what I believe is their highest number of new cases (441) since their initial outbreak.

Looks like France has been going the long way for a while, and maybe like Italy is beginning the climb... Yikes.

Also, looks like maybe Spain is rounding the corner on it's 2nd wave, but that graph looks off at first glance.

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