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Coronavirus (Stay on Topic)

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I personally pay attention to the percentage of positive cases.. what's intriguing is the persentage of positive cases is rising in some of the states that have lowered testing. That tells me there's widespread transmission in communities that are not being tested.

IMO, this was a forgone conclusion once school started back for MOST communities. They were simply hedging that bet on the belief that children were an unlikely candidate for transmission to adults, severe complications, yada, yada.

We will soon find out.
Anyone remember Micheal Ojo? He played for FSU a few years ago, he had covid and died of heart failure at 27.

He was 7'1, 300lbs.

Not trying to stir the pot here but I would be willing to BET HOUSE MONEY that he had underlying heart conditions. Many people that size do.

He was 7'1, 300lbs.

Not trying to stir the pot here but I would be willing to BET HOUSE MONEY that he had underlying heart conditions. Many people that size do.

Few die at 27
7 plus footers are already more likely to die early. It just doesn't happen as often anymore with modern medicine. Maybe not as early as 27, but earlier than normal.

Should also add that I was reading a page that had an area for people that have died of myocarditis that they contracted from the other viruses you can get.

Should I be in panic mode about contracting any virus?
I can't think of anyone that died that young, most big men are reaching their prime at 27. It could be a coincidence or it could become a more common event
I’m sure the virus played a role but being that big helps increase the chances. That’s why we are seeing these NFL linemen opting out. Being big plus this virus is a no go.
I can't think of anyone that died that young, most big men are reaching their prime at 27. It could be a coincidence or it could become a more common event

Reggie Lewis and Hang Gathers are 2 I can think of. However, there are differing opinions on Reggie Lewis whether this was also caused by past cocaine use. In the autopsy report it does state that he had scarring due to adenovirus.

Few die at 27

Few are 7'1 and 300lbs+

Again, it's common knowledge that guys that size commonly have heart problems. It takes a lot of toll pushing blood through a body that size let alone one who is very active.

I’m sure the virus played a role but being that big helps increase the chances. That’s why we are seeing these NFL linemen opting out. Being big plus this virus is a no go.

The virus may have played a role but it was likely that there heart issues prior, due to his size, activity level, performance enhancing use, who knows. That has been THE preaching point for this entire virus: If you are high risk, you stand a greater chance at having complications. Being 7'1, 300+ certainly doesn't make it easy on the heart let alone fighting a virus.
The virus may have played a role but it was likely that there heart issues prior, due to his size, activity level, performance enhancing use, who knows. That has been THE preaching point for this entire virus: If you are high risk, you stand a greater chance at having complications. Being 7'1, 300+ certainly doesn't make it easy on the heart let alone fighting a virus.
He very easily could have been destined for a short life but the timing of his death makes it likely covid-19 played some role. He was complaining of being tired and unable to do normal workout days prior to his death. If being exceptionally large makes you more likely to die from covid-19 sports are in trouble
Covid-19 most likely killed him, but he was much more susceptible based on his size. Basically, it’s like he had a comorbidity. He was at a much higher risk than a typical individual.

Mind you, I’m not a medical professional nor do I know all the details of this case, so take this with a grain of salt.
He very easily could have been destined for a short life but the timing of his death makes it likely covid-19 played some role. He was complaining of being tired and unable to do normal workout days prior to his death. If being exceptionally large makes you more likely to die from covid-19 sports are in trouble
Yeah exactly because in football almost everyone is abnormally large, we can’t just brush this aside and say he died because he was big, because if that’s true we have some serious problems.

It’s kind of ironic how some continually pestered me yesterday about there not being any athletes dying from Covid-19 and thus we should play football, and then literally the very next day this happens. Huh, it’s almost like taking precautions to protect players from something, even if it didn’t happen yet, was actually a good idea. Shocking
There could be more questions than answers here. Sure we shouldn't just brush this aside and say he died because he was big (actually nobody said those exact words) but we shouldn't just post a comment that could lead one to believe he died entirely due to COVID-19 either and automatically link to athletes dying from COVID.

He's also in Nigeria, not the best medical care potentially? He didn't follow doctor's orders and didn't listen to his body.... there is almost always more to the story.

**edit** Correction, don't think he was in Nigeria at the time, I misread that... he is Nigerian. Think he was in Serbia, at least that is the team he played for, doesn't help that's for sure.
There could be more questions than answers here. Sure we shouldn't just brush this aside and say he died because he was big (actually nobody said those exact words) but we shouldn't just post a comment that could lead one to believe he died entirely due to COVID-19 either and automatically link to athletes dying from COVID.

He's also in Nigeria, not the best medical care potentially? He didn't follow doctor's orders and didn't listen to his body.... there is almost always more to the story.

**edit** Correction, don't think he was in Nigeria at the time, I misread that... he is Nigerian. Think he was in Serbia, at least that is the team he played for, doesn't help that's for sure.
No, many people are attributing his death to size that led to his underlying heart issues (despite his great physical condition) and made him more vulnerable. From the standpoint of trying to say COVID-19 won’t adversely impact or kill athletes as was the popular stance in here yesterday, is just horrible reasoning, especially for football players, where everyone is gigantic and even larger in some cases than Ojo.
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