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Coronavirus (Stay on Topic)

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I'm looking at NY vs Texas(our population is similiar) and it's crazy the difference. We only have 300 something deaths here and NY has 11k at least

We need to reopen at least some states
I wouldn't say the population in TX and NY is similar. TX has 10 million more people than NY. So really TX should have at least 20,000 deaths if NY has over 11,000.
This is what I have been saying. Eventually this road leads to the whole world facing this virus. Eventually the deaths will lessen as people get exposed to it. Just like the flu this virus is here to stay. When a vaccine is made it will be 50/50 it works. We can not live in fear of catching this virus.

I agree, at this point there needs to be a plan to slowly open things up where feasible but in a way that manages the risk as well. I don’t think a vaccine that is effective will be viable to wait for and even if one is created in the next 12 months it may not even work if there are multiple strains of this.
I wouldn't say the population in TX and NY is similar. TX has 10 million more people than NY. So really TX should have at least 20,000 deaths if NY has over 11,000.
Not really, since NY is a major international hub where the virus arrived before TX, and NYC is a densely populated urban center which is much, much more susceptible to pandemics. All else being equal, you would expect NY to be much worse hit than TX, even per capita.
The thought of even shutting down schools in fall and winter are absolute ridiculous. Kids lives this past school year have already been interfered with. Now the mayor of Atlanta saying again next fall maybe no schools. So let’s interfere with kids again. This is making our children scarred and scared to live their lives. The emotional damage this is doing is just wrong. We need to quit teaching our kids to live in fear of catching a virus. Especially younger children. They will have germ phobias. As has been said let’s open up slowly but once everything is opened up. Stay open. Stay the course and quit being a light switch. On/off. Stay on.
Not really, since NY is a major international hub where the virus arrived before TX, and NYC is a densely populated urban center which is much, much more susceptible to pandemics. All else being equal, you would expect NY to be much worse hit than TX, even per capita.
I still think it's pretty surprising that there hasn't been more than 393 deaths in TX. TX has like 3 or 4 major cities.
The thought of even shutting down schools in fall and winter are absolute ridiculous. Kids lives this past school year have already been interfered with. Now the mayor of Atlanta saying again next fall maybe no schools. So let’s interfere with kids again. This is making our children scarred and scared to live their lives. The emotional damage this is doing is just wrong. We need to quit teaching our kids to live in fear of catching a virus. Especially younger children. They will have germ phobias. As has been said let’s open up slowly but once everything is opened up. Stay open. Stay the course and quit being a light switch. On/off. Stay on.
How about open schools but maybe have young substitute teachers if the teacher is over 60. After all the main reason why they want to close schools is because of employees 60 and over right ?
I still think it's pretty surprising that there hasn't been more than 393 deaths in TX. TX has like 3 or 4 major cities.
But none of those cities are as dense as NYC. The main advantage TX had was that the virus arrived to TX in force later, mostly after social distancing was in place. NY did not take any mitigation measures until it was too late and the virus had already spread quite a bit. Of course, that’s the disadvantage of getting hit from the European wave first.

If TX had allowed the virus to spread there with no mitigation measures in place, it would be much worse (although still likely not as bad as NY given the less concentrated demographics).

Don’t get me wrong, though. TX has seemingly done a good job. I just hope all hell doesn't break lose when the mitigation measures are lifted.
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How about open schools but maybe have young substitute teachers if the teacher is over 60. After all the main reason why they want to close schools is because of employees 60 and over right ?
The main reason for closing schools is so that the children don’t serve as vectors for spreading the virus. It’s not that the kids will die - by and large, kids very rarely succumb to this virus - but they’ll spread it to their older relatives and cause a great spreading of the virus.

However, I think we really do have to start thinking of reopening schools at some point (not this school year, though). Canceling school in the fall will have long-lasting ramifications. We’re talking about missing a full year of school at that point, basically. That needs to be a last-resort option.
How about open schools but maybe have young substitute teachers if the teacher is over 60. After all the main reason why they want to close schools is because of employees 60 and over right ?
Well that was the case but some say younger people can die also. Plus remember the younger ones carry it home to the older parents. In other words we are ALL going to be exposed eventually. So live in fear or live each day happily. I choose the live each day happily and not in fear.
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Well that was the case but some say younger people can die also. Plus remember the younger ones carry it home to the older parents. In other words we are ALL going to be exposed eventually. So live in fear or live each day happily. I choose the love each day happily and not in fear.
Maybe kids should just stay away from their elderly grandparents if at all possible.
@crecre9 you give a lot of thumbs down. Curious how would you handle this virus? What would be your plan? How long shut down? If don’t mind sharing your ideas.
I mean you saw what shutting down for a month did. Just imagine 18 months.
I am not going to because there would be nothing left of America. Implosion would happen within 6 months and it would be a civil war. Basic understanding of economy. Money literally would be useless. Bartering to survive.
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