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Coronavirus (Stay on Topic)

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There will still be a lot of people that elect not to get the vaccine when it is released. I know just as many people that don't get a flu shot that actually get a flu shot. You can literally get a flu shot for $20 at any pharmacy/grocery store.
Which will be interesting. Can the govt force this vaccination on everyone?
Another symptom. Lol sheesh every week there is a new symptom or something different about this virus.
I have it by very credible sources that reading this thread is a certain symptomatic indicator ... ? ?
I understand from politics but they did say assuming. When going to claim deaths from this virus there should be no assuming.

Well, the same can be said for those who have had it, but never got tested. Not everyone can get tested, so we have to it's hard to get an accurate number. I agree, "assuming" may not be the best choice of words, I can think of better words.
Another symptom. Lol sheesh every week there is a new symptom or something different about this virus.
Is it mutating and changing symptoms or as more data is collected from those that have had it are more of the similar symptoms being recognized?
Another symptom. Lol sheesh every week there is a new symptom or something different about this virus.
Is it mutating and changing symptoms or as more data is collected from those that have had it are more of the similar symptoms being recognized?

Yeah, this getting kind of ridiculous. I mean, you can sit there and say pretty much any symptom can be a precursor to something else.

That's a good point, but I am not quite sure what foot aches have to do with a respiratory infection. Not a Dr. or anything, but it's kinda bizarre. But hey, if it is mutating and changing symptoms, maybe that's a sign that this less of respiratory and becoming something less serious?
Well, the same can be said for those who have had it, but never got tested. Not everyone can get tested, so we have to it's hard to get an accurate number. I agree, "assuming" may not be the best choice of words, I can think of better words.
Ok but then also assuming those that had it and never knew are got tested. Then that would make the death rate much lower also. In other words if going to assume deaths also assume numbers that had it also. In no way meaning to sound mean.
Yeah, this getting kind of ridiculous. I mean, you can sit there and say pretty much any symptom can be a precursor to something else.

That's a good point, but I am not quite sure what foot aches have to do with a respiratory infection. Not a Dr. or anything, but it's kinda bizarre. But hey, if it is mutating and changing symptoms, maybe that's a sign that this less of respiratory and becoming something less serious?
I just think it shows we have no clue about this virus. Sometimes nature has a way of saying I’m going to do some cleaning. Shows we are not in control like we think we are.
Ok but then also assuming those that had it and never knew are got tested. Then that would make the death rate much lower also. In other words if going to assume deaths also assume numbers that had it also.

That's correct. That's why like meteorology, this too is not an exact science. Especially when we are dealing with a new virus.
Outside of having a vaccine, cure, or a widely-agreed upon, highly-effective treatment option within a matter of weeks, we are going to have two choices, one of two things will need to happen: Either the government will have to mass-produce the capacity (medicine, ppe, makeshift hospitals, ability to transport healthcare workers to where they are most needed -- essentially create emergency infrastructure) to care for sick to very sick people and reopen everything, OR keep things mostly shut down until such time as a treatment option becomes available and financially backstop everything and everybody.

This isn't an easy decision. Both are damaging to the economy, but the second option moreso. Lives will be lost under both scenarios, but less so under the second scenario. The first option limits economic damage but increases personal health risk and will cost more lives in the near term. The second option cost fewer lives in the short term, but I'm afraid more people will slip into poverty and more lives will be lost over time.
The problem with the second option is the timeline for the financial backstop. I think both political sides will agree that the government is incapable of a quick response. Stopping mortgages and rent country wide would help but feeding millions of mouths on a daily basis is more than our government can handle. Maybe I'm just too skeptical but I don't see it happening.
Anyone have age breakdown for covid19 by age for US? You can find Italy fairly easily. If you are under 50 the death rate is that of the seasonal flu and probably less under the age of 40. If you are age 60+ then yes, the death rate is really bad. When things re-open I would imagine the population over 60+ will limit their exposure, wear masks, etc...but for people under 40 you could argue are better off getting out there and developing immunity in some respects. That will only help down the road.

View attachment 39530

Here ya go:


“I will be speaking to all 50 governors very shortly,” Trump said, “And I will then be authorizing each individual governor of each individual state to implement a reopening and a very powerful reopening plan of their state at a time and in a manner as most appropriate.”

The problem with the second option is the timeline for the financial backstop. I think both political sides will agree that the government is incapable of a quick response. Stopping mortgages and rent country wide would help but feeding millions of mouths on a daily basis is more than our government can handle. Maybe I'm just too skeptical but I don't see it happening.
I am honestly trying to figure out what line the government and the Fed can't cross, in terms of amount of debt. Obviously, it's not billions or now even trillions. Is it hundreds of trillions? A quadrillion? I don't think there is any way to define an answer to this question. When it happens, we will know. But until then, I guess they will just print away.
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