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Coronavirus (Stay on Topic)

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Yep, the big thing is people need to stay home when they are sick and otherwise wash their hands. Clearly way too many people don't do either.

Sure why should I get dinged at work with an absentee if I have a moderate cold and can function on the job? Company policy drives why people go to work sick.
Georgia noon numbers. Cases up 572 from 7:00 last night to 7314 and deaths up 10 to 229. 1332 hospitalized.
That lull over the weekend went away quickly. Still not exponential but locally we had a large bump today.
Sure why should I get dinged at work with an absentee if I have a moderate cold and can function on the job? Company policy drives why people go to work sick.
Hopefully this changes things regarding company culture. I know my company took a hard line on snow days until 2014 when we all got trapped. After that they started letting us work from home whenever we had a chance of snow. I imagine some companies will do the same now with sickness.
NC numbers surge today (this happens every Monday it seems, following little data over the weekend).

285 cases is a surge? Seems pretty tame.
Sure why should I get dinged at work with an absentee if I have a moderate cold and can function on the job? Company policy drives why people go to work sick.
Well companies better get to changing that then cause this is why disease spreads so easily.
The Florida Supreme Court just extended statewide Covid-19 judicial procedures through the end of May.

Same here..... also prisons not accepting inmates from the local jails (rumor has it prisons are looking at releasing inmates early). I don't know, risking public safety in the name of public safety

Same here..... also prisons not accepting inmates from the local jails (rumor has it prisons are looking at releasing inmates early). I don't know, risking public safety in the name of public safety

It is one of those rare moments when I am at a loss for a measured and (hopefully) reasonable response ... spot on observation in any event ...
Well companies better get to changing that then cause this is why disease spreads so easily.

I've never understood it. In fact my company issues "kudos" awards and a co worker got one for coming to work sick. This was before this entire situation started to unfold. Now of you are sick in any fashion they send you home.

I never want to go to work sick but the fact is if I've already burned my personal time I get points and if you get to many points you're fired.
I've never understood it. In fact my company issues "kudos" awards and a co worker got one for coming to work sick. This was before this entire situation started to unfold. Now of you are sick in any fashion they send you home.

I never want to go to work sick but the fact is if I've already burned my personal time I get points and if you get to many points you're fired.

That is messed up.
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