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Coronavirus (Stay on Topic)

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A little rant.

if what we are doing is showing this much effect on this virus, we have no excuse to ever have as many flu deaths each year that we have. Now of course we don’t shut everything down, but no one can tell me now that we can’t cut flu deaths and cases by 50-75% by socially distancing in stores, staying home when sick and keeping sick kids out of school/daycare and with better hygiene. This should be a challenge to each of us next winter. Whether actual flu deaths are 10k, 30k or 80k, this proves we can cut into those numbers by a lot.
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A little rant.

if what we are doing is showing this much effect on this virus, we have no excuse to ever have as many flu deaths each year that we have. Now of course we don’t shut everything down, but no one can tell me now that we can’t cut flu deaths and cases by 50-75% by socially distancing in stores, staying home when sick and keeping sick kids out of school/daycare and with better hygiene. This should be a challenge to each of us next winter. Whether actual flu deaths are 10k, 30k or 80k, this proves we can cut into those numbers by a lot.

Yep, the big thing is people need to stay home when they are sick and otherwise wash their hands. Clearly way too many people don't do either.

Front line doctor thinks we are harming patients more by putting them on ventilators

He says signs it is not. Pneumonia as Pneumonia is wet and not dry cough

Says this is like being dropped off at peak of Mount Everest

Recall that in Italy some being treated with bubble device over head to try to get lung pressure up
A little rant.

if what we are doing is showing this much effect on this virus, we have no excuse to ever have as many flu deaths each year that we have. Now of course we don’t shut everything down, but no one can tell me now that we can’t cut flu deaths and cases by 50-75% by socially distancing in stores, staying home when sick and keeping sick kids out of school/daycare and with better hygiene. This should be a challenge to each of us next winter. Whether actual flu deaths are 10k, 30k or 80k, this proves we can cut into those numbers by a lot.
Problem is alot of peoe dont have paid sick leave so they have to go to work sick.
It was never going to be a long term pandemic. Some leaked articles on Reddit showed the CEO of Walmart and other big businesses saying Black Friday will go ahead regardless. Too much money on the line Thanksgiving to Christmas. If you think about how many times have weather or other disaster prevented a Black Friday sale? Nada.
I hope we learn from this to maybe with big tities and health care facilities have tougher restrictions than say counties with zero cases or under a certain #. One size does not fit all.

The problem with this is you'll have people going off to the areas without restriction from places that do and end up spreading it around. It's clear people won't follow the guidelines unless you make them uniform everywhere. Even then there are plenty of people still not following them and they have to put more restrictions in place because of it.
So after next week we are all clear IMO. Gonna try to return some of this TP and other things soon or sell them be easier to do it today get a jump start.
I feel safer now to book a trip for this summer and take advantage of these deals for July/August. I hope everyone feels a little better now to start spending again. Corona fatigue.
Glad to see the optimism heading into May. I think right now most everyone is ok with the restrictions that are being put in place. If for some reason this were to continue into May you might start to see people become restless and frustrated with the whole situation and that could lead to a whole other list of problems.
I'm looking for a May 15th to June 1st phase back to an abbreviated normal (with changes that might be in place until a vaccine is approved) as long as the recent models turn out to be on the side of correct. The work won't be done here though, hopefully progress is continued on vaccines/treatment and if we do see a fall spike, we start out with having the more vulnerable population quarantine.
Sounds like NYC should be getting a good idea soon how effective the various drugs are at treating this.

“As many as 4,000 seriously ill coronavirus patients in New York are being treated with the antimalarial drug hydroxychloroquine, state health officials say.”

Middle to the end of May is best case scenario right now. If you think things will go back to normal by next week or 2 weeks from now, then you are setting yourself up for disappointment. We still have not peaked and you will need another 2 weeks to let things consistently drop before we have SOME restrictions lifted.
Middle to the end of May is best case scenario right now. If you think things will go back to normal by next week or 2 weeks from now, then you are setting yourself up for disappointment. We still have not peaked and you will need another 2 weeks to let things consistently drop before we have SOME restrictions lifted.
Restrictions will start to be lifted May 1st and slowly things will get back to normal as we get close to Memorial Day.
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