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Coronavirus (Stay on Topic)

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As we have watched the disaster in Italy, Spain and NYC unfold it sheds some serious light on what likely happened in Wuhan. It makes perfect sense now. At the time some of us were watching what they were doing versus saying. Dumping loads of dirt across interstates, locking down entire cities and the draconian measures they were taking sure seemed like overkill for 500 deaths.

In reality they likely had the same explosion as Italy and NYC and thats why they crazy on the responses. Building hospitals and such.
Louisiana deaths went up to 477, from 409 yesterday at noon, which is an increase of 68. Total confirmed cases are now 13,010. 1803 are now hospitalized.
GA increases at noon today vs 7PM yesterday: possible good trend developing??

# of cases: 264 (+4.1%)
# of hospitalizations: 17 (+1.3%)
# of deaths: 3 (+1.4%)
# tested: 1,938 (+5.8%)
GA increases at noon today vs 7PM yesterday: possible good trend developing??

# of cases: 264 (+4.1%)
# of hospitalizations: 17 (+1.3%)
# of deaths: 3 (+1.4%)
# tested: 1,938 (+5.8%)
Possible start of a good trend, Larry, if it's not the result of weekend reporting (which I pray is not the case), and more importantly, ii) if folks don't get complacent and decide the light is "green" ... ? ? ?
These are Albany’s numbers released today. The state is still reporting on 30 deaths in Dougherty County but hospital is reporting 40 as of this afternoon. I think there is a lag time in numbers being reported due to the weekend. So be cautiously optimistic with numbers as I am afraid either the 7 pm numbers will show it or Monday’s 12 pm numbers.
On the other front at least my neighbors are taking it seriously now. Yesterday someone posted that two of our neighbors in the neighborhood tested positive and are recovering. Mind you our neighborhood has over 250 homes in it.

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Coranavirus and seasonal flu and HIV are partially avoidable with common sense
Ditto with auto fatalities
Suicides, alcohol, smoking, cancer and hunger need more attention at many levels (as each is "beatable")
Abortion is a no-brainer

Bottom line - there is no reason any of those numbers need to rise to the levels presented ...

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I have no problem with "worldometers" as a source of data as it is rated highly for factually based and unbiased info. However, deaths from Coronavirus are rising rapidly. Please don't downplay it as that does society no good. This is serious, man! Also, bringing abortion (which I'm firmly against) into this makes this an obviously political based post, which doesn't belong in this thread. It is irrelevant! Please keep politics out of this thread.

Your chart has corona virus deaths at 21,297 as of 3/25. Just 11 days later, it is already more than triple that at 68,423 and is still rising rapidly:


In contrast, seasonal flu has risen much less and is at 127,336. It will easily be overtaken by coronavirus soon, unfortunately. Corona is rising by a much higher % than any others on your list.

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President sounds hopeful after 2 weeks we be in clear maybe? Or at least recovery

Yeah numbers are not horrible outside of hotspots and not rising at exponential rates. While the choices made have brought on some hardships it is also bringing this into a controlled burn for many areas.

Preliminarily i would say most places have flattened the curve thanks to lockdowns and social distancing. We keep these in place another 3 to 5 weeks and we may be able to put the worst of this behind us.
I personally can't stand people saying stuff like, "Oh, but look at annual flu deaths!". It's apples to oranges, people. You're talking about comparing a new virus that is just now beginning to make it's debut in the general population with a long timer illness that has afflicted the people for decades and is now well established? I think a more accurate comparison would be to look at the worst daily death toll from the flu this past season compared with the worst day of COVID-19. And even here, it has to be stressed that this new virus hasn't yet realized it's full devastating potential. Hopefully our current distancing measures can still mitigate that. It seems that those who make such assertions are trying to advocate to "return everything to normal life". But if we do that, then we'll really see the brutal effects of the virus.
I personally can't stand people saying stuff like, "Oh, but look at annual flu deaths!". It's apples to oranges, people. You're talking about comparing a new virus that is just now beginning to make it's debut in the general population with a long timer illness that has afflicted the people for decades and is now well established? I think a more accurate comparison would be to look at the worst daily death toll from the flu this past season compared with the worst day of COVID-19. And even here, it has to be stressed that this new virus hasn't yet realized it's full devastating potential. Hopefully our current distancing measures can still mitigate that. It seems that those who make such assertions are trying to advocate to "return everything to normal life". But if we do that, then we'll really see the brutal effects of the virus.
Yeah, I mean by that kind of apples to oranges logic we could say, “Oh, 58k US military deaths over 10 years in Vietnam is no big deal! Lots more people per year die per year of the flu than died per year in Vietnam! Vietnam wasn’t so bad!”

(Just an example)
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