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Coronavirus (Stay on Topic)

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Promising news for NC

GA’s # of cases the last 24 hours rose much less than previous 24 hours. If I see several more days of this, I’m going to feel some optimism that the social distancing and other measures are widespread enough to make a huge difference. I’m still thinking that by mid April we should see a major trend improvement.
GA’s # of cases the last 24 hours rose much less than previous 24 hours. If I see several more days of this, I’m going to feel some optimism that the social distancing and other measures are widespread enough to make a huge difference. I’m still thinking that by mid April we should see a major trend improvement.
FL was likewise today; my only concern is weekend reporting. Mid-April would be nice, but if that happens, and with that rouge DNA flying around, it would mean 1) don't let the guard down when the graph drops, and 2) mid-June may be the opening of a safe and open harbor ... ? ? ?
Let's say that the numbers decline because of social distancing efforts. They obviously won't go to zero, but dropping is certainly possible. What happens next, assuming there is no medicine or vaccine? Opening things back up would allow numbers to increase again, right? So we'd find ourselves back on lockdown again, and this process would continue until there is herd immunity or a treatment is available, right? What am I missing?
Let's say that the numbers decline because of social distancing efforts. They obviously won't go to zero, but dropping is certainly possible. What happens next, assuming there is no medicine or vaccine? Opening things back up would allow numbers to increase again, right? So we'd find ourselves back on lockdown again, and this process would continue until there is herd immunity or a treatment is available, right? What am I missing?
Not one damn thing ...
...except maybe if you are reading this you're missing an Andy/Opey & Barney re-run ... :cool:
Let's say that the numbers decline because of social distancing efforts. They obviously won't go to zero, but dropping is certainly possible. What happens next, assuming there is no medicine or vaccine? Opening things back up would allow numbers to increase again, right? So we'd find ourselves back on lockdown again, and this process would continue until there is herd immunity or a treatment is available, right? What am I missing?

Education education education. Drill social distancing and personal spacing into everyone's head for the next few weeks. When we begin reopening make sure everyone knows to follow this or we see a return to these measures. More importantly make sure business know this. If a movie theater reopens only fill them.1/3 full and allow empty seats. Bowling alleys only rent out half their lanes and only every other lane. EDUCATION
Education education education. Drill social distancing and personal spacing into everyone's head for the next few weeks. When we begin reopening make sure everyone knows to follow this or we see a return to these measures. More importantly make sure business know this. If a movie theater reopens only fill them.1/3 full and allow empty seats. Bowling alleys only rent out half their lanes and only every other lane. EDUCATION
I agree with the premise, but I don't think there is any way that most people in the United States are going to all that it takes to avoid the virus. Even if you have a 1/3 crowded theater, they're still going to touch the popcorn counter, touch the seat that someone else touched, grab the bathroom door handle, etc. We have never lived through a crisis like this and so many people will not take it seriously unless they're forced to. It's unfortunate.
I agree with the premise, but I don't think there is any way that most people in the United States are going to all that it takes to avoid the virus. Even if you have a 1/3 crowded theater, they're still going to touch the popcorn counter, touch the seat that someone else touched, grab the bathroom door handle, etc. We have never lived through a crisis like this and so many people will not take it seriously unless they're forced to. It's unfortunate.

If we can survive the initial spike and can flatten the curve to not overwhelm the system then maybe we can allow a slow burn, a controlled fire so to speak. Then rely on herd immunity to continue slowing it down.

Dangerous times ahead as decisions have to be made.
If we can survive the initial spike and can flatten the curve to not overwhelm the system then maybe we can allow a slow burn, a controlled fire so to speak. Then rely on herd immunity to continue slowing it down.

Dangerous times ahead as decisions have to be made.

I wonder if this will lead to a permanent increase in the % of folks working from home?
Basically the only people working with us are floor workers. Purchasers, bean counters, customer service and even HR are all working from home.

If this becomes permanent worldwide, would this be enough to significantly reduce CO2 and slow down or stop further GW?
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If this becomes permanent worldwide, would this be enough to significantly reduce CO2 and slow down or stop further GW.

I think so. We should be getting a good look at data now showing the impacts already. Unnecessary travel for trips and airline traffic is likely going to be suppressed for a solid 6 months at a minimum.
Education education education. Drill social distancing and personal spacing into everyone's head for the next few weeks. When we begin reopening make sure everyone knows to follow this or we see a return to these measures. More importantly make sure business know this. If a movie theater reopens only fill them.1/3 full and allow empty seats. Bowling alleys only rent out half their lanes and only every other lane. EDUCATION

Exactly if what we have been doing has this much effect on it this quickly, it will not be hard to keep this down low if common sense is followed. That along with rapid tests will slow this down alot. I do think that limiting gatherings will stay in place for a while which effectively kills football season.

To add on the declining trend, AL only reported 99 cases today and from what I'm reading elsewhere, LA is still adding backlogged cases and daily hospital and ventilator growth is dropping pretty good. Not the end but very promising trends.
I think so. We should be getting a good look at data now showing the impacts already. Unnecessary travel for trips and airline traffic is likely going to be suppressed for a solid 6 months at a minimum.

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I agree with the premise, but I don't think there is any way that most people in the United States are going to all that it takes to avoid the virus. Even if you have a 1/3 crowded theater, they're still going to touch the popcorn counter, touch the seat that someone else touched, grab the bathroom door handle, etc. We have never lived through a crisis like this and so many people will not take it seriously unless they're forced to. It's unfortunate.

Also, can a movie theater make money with only 1/3rd of its seats filled max?
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