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Coronavirus (Stay on Topic)

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Sadly the US has passed the death toll from 9/11. I was hoping we would stay under 500 deaths today but that wasnt the case. Let's keep hope that they will find a widespread safe treatment quickly.
We have one I beleive and over 8 million pills in inventory, more coming. Use the cocktail.
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I’m not a Trump supporter. However, even I admit that most of the MSM is always going after him (though he gives them plenty of ammunition and I don’t think he handled this well early on other than the ban on travel from China.) The MSM won’t show graphs like this (per capita) because the US doesn’t look as bad due to higher population. (Actually, I posted something similar the other day.)

The MS media wants it to look worse than reality for 2 reasons: they’re anti-Trump and they want higher ratings.

This is something that I tried to allude to about two weeks ago without even having this kind of chart in 2 different places and it got shot down immediately, by one person at one place, and multiple in another, both pretty much being like "We are Italy, then we're worse than them" and anger and furiousness at the leaders of this nation. I know there's other factors in this, and we might need another 2-3 weeks to start getting an idea on where we could head with potential hospital overcrowding (not just in the largest cities) and death toll, but it feels like some just don't want to hear it. Because potentially having this not be as bad as thought would mean a quicker return for the economy, and from there you get political although the chatroom which is one of the 2 different places didn't say it outright...

(I don't like Trump, but I have several good reasons to not be of one opinion I've seen, which is "we need to lock up this nation until we have a cure and vaccine, and if it takes through 2020, so be it". I want my sports back. I'd like to be able to travel and in general be able to do things freely. I have a stock market interest. I would like to return to school later this year or maybe redirect to something else in a career field.)
Good trends on the modeling front using WU hospital bed model. Yesterday it had Alabama with 1700 total deaths, peaking at 57 deaths a day, staying just under hospital bed capacity but needing 400 ICU beds. This morning it has us with 1173 deaths, peaking at 37 deaths a day, only using 2/3rd available beds and only needing 78 ICU beds. That is huge!

I guess this could go in both this thread and the stock market one but I’ll put it here. Good news out of China. Their manufacturing in February was 35.3 which is super low and indicates contraction in the economy. However, March numbers just came out at 52 which indicates growth so it appears things there may be improving.

I’m not a Trump supporter. However, even I admit that most of the MSM is always going after him (though he gives them plenty of ammunition and I don’t think he handled this well early on other than the ban on travel from China.) The MSM won’t show graphs like this (per capita) because the US doesn’t look as bad due to higher population. (Actually, I posted something similar the other day.)

The MS media wants it to look worse than reality for 2 reasons: they’re anti-Trump and they want higher ratings.

I largely agree with this and usually take what the media says with a big grain of salt. That said, Trump has done himself no favors with his constant tweeting about things being under control and cases going to zero and such. Meanwhile first responders and healthcare professionals are woefully unequipped to do their jobs because of extremely poor planning and preparation. That is a very sad and upsetting situation that could have been largely mitigated, and I don't see how at least some of the blame shouldn't come to rest at the top of the ladder.
I guess this could go in both this thread and the stock market one but I’ll put it here. Good news out of China. Their manufacturing in February was 35.3 which is super low and indicates contraction in the economy. However, March numbers just came out at 52 which indicates growth so it appears things there may be improving.

China data is my favorite. Always entertaining to see what they're cooking up over there.
I largely agree with this and usually take what the media says with a big grain of salt. That said, Trump has done himself no favors with his constant tweeting about things being under control and cases going to zero and such. Meanwhile first responders and healthcare professionals are woefully unequipped to do their jobs because of extremely poor planning and preparation. That is a very sad and upsetting situation that could have been largely mitigated, and I don't see how at least some of the blame shouldn't come to rest at the top of the ladder.
If only you understood EXACTLY what we started with (woefully unequipped) you would probably have a little more appreciation for the fact that you/we are lucky you have somebody at the top (like him or hate him) that can make up for the woefully unequipped BS that he was stuck with. This is an unprecedented crisis. What the hell were you expecting?
For the record I will never trust MSM in this country. Havent for a long long time. Its all agenda driven and has been for decades. The only difference today is they unabashedly are open about it, no more masking it.

Anyway heres a good piece of joirnalism in this article, trying to uncover the truth in Wuhan. Only gonna paste a snippet.

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National Review

Wuhan Residents Dismiss Official Coronavirus Death Toll: ‘The Incinerators Have Been Working Around the Clock’
March 30, 2020 12:48 PM

Staff members wearing face masks are seen at an entrance of a shopping mall in Wuhan, the epicentre of China’s coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak, March 30, 2020. (Aly Song/Reuters)
Wuhan residents are increasingly skeptical of the Chinese Communist Party’s reported coronavirus death count of approximately 2,500 deaths in the city to date, with most people believing the actual number is at least 40,000.
Very proud of the many companies and Avg everyday American Citizens along with our WH Task force Team and POTUS for stepping up and meeting the challenges we face head on. Long ways to go , but kudos for adjusting, and being as transparent as possible. Lets all Keep Pounding. Crisis Fatigue will be a strong temptation we all have to resist giving into the next several weeks.
If only you understood EXACTLY what we started with (woefully unequipped) you would probably have a little more appreciation for the fact that you/we are lucky you have somebody at the top (like him or hate him) that can make up for the woefully unequipped BS that he was stuck with. This is an unprecedented crisis. What the hell were you expecting?
What I'm saying isn't that complicated, so stay with me here. Tweeting that it's no big deal WHILE remaining woefully unprepared is dumb and a bad look and sets you up for some justified criticism. Then, once it's obvious to everyone that it is a big deal, and then appearing to react to that is also a bad look and sets you up for some justified criticism.

I am very happy that things are moving in a better direction now, after the horse has left the barn. That's great. I'll give him some credit for that.

But I can also place some blame on his shoulders for at least one of the following:

1) Not understanding the potential magnitude of this from the get-go, thus not activating resources sooner, OR
2) Understanding the potential magnitude of this from the get-go but intentionally misleading everyone and not activating resources sooner, OR
3) Ambivalent to the whole thing until it was clear that it would impact things that were important to him, thus not activating resources sooner

At least one of those 3 is true. And they are all worthy of some level of criticism.
I swear the governor and superintendent for a certain school district are plain old stupid. My mom got an email from her superintendent basically saying that she was essential and that even though Kemp has ordered schools closed until April 27, she has to go back to work at the school as of April 6. She's a media specialist. A LIBRARIAN. The superintendent wants all non classroom staff to report because he can't possibly pay them for being at home where they are suppose to be to avoid spreading this virus and catching it. Have any others here who work in the school systems around the south been told things like this or have spouses in the school districts? Oh, in the information that came out this "essential staff" can use paid sick leave if they do not want to come to work........:mad::mad:
1373 pos cases
7 Deaths

Wake County will no longer test cases mild symptoms. Only 65+ or underlying conditions.

140 in state have been hospitilzed as of Monday with Wuhan Virus.

So as others have repeatedly stated im guessing you can take number of pos cases and multiply by 5 or 10 probably to capture mild ,no symptom cases.
What I'm saying isn't that complicated, so stay with me here. Tweeting that it's no big deal WHILE remaining woefully unprepared is dumb and a bad look and sets you up for some justified criticism. Then, once it's obvious to everyone that it is a big deal, and then appearing to react to that is also a bad look and sets you up for some justified criticism.

I am very happy that things are moving in a better direction now, after the horse has left the barn. That's great. I'll give him some credit for that.

But I can also place some blame on his shoulders for at least one of the following:

1) Not understanding the potential magnitude of this from the get-go, thus not activating resources sooner, OR
2) Understanding the potential magnitude of this from the get-go but intentionally misleading everyone and not activating resources sooner, OR
3) Ambivalent to the whole thing until it was clear that it would impact things that were important to him, thus not activating resources sooner

At least one of those 3 is true. And they are all worthy of some level of criticism.
What resources activation are you suggesting? Curious, cause a lot of the resource help we are using to combat this is overwhelmingly private sector generated. Outside getting FDA to cut red tape,the 2 hospital ships, wh corono team guidlines daily press briefings, fema stock, supply chain mngmnt. They take questions everyday now for weeks
What I'm saying isn't that complicated, so stay with me here. Tweeting that it's no big deal WHILE remaining woefully unprepared is dumb and a bad look and sets you up for some justified criticism. Then, once it's obvious to everyone that it is a big deal, and then appearing to react to that is also a bad look and sets you up for some justified criticism.

I am very happy that things are moving in a better direction now, after the horse has left the barn. That's great. I'll give him some credit for that.

But I can also place some blame on his shoulders for at least one of the following:

1) Not understanding the potential magnitude of this from the get-go, thus not activating resources sooner, OR
2) Understanding the potential magnitude of this from the get-go but intentionally misleading everyone and not activating resources sooner, OR
3) Ambivalent to the whole thing until it was clear that it would impact things that were important to him, thus not activating resources sooner

At least one of those 3 is true. And they are all worthy of some level of criticism.
He was preoccupied during the " get go"
1373 pos cases
7 Deaths

Wake County will no longer test cases mild symptoms. Only 65+ or underlying conditions.

140 in state have been hospitilzed as of Monday with Wuhan Virus.

So as others have repeatedly stated im guessing you can take number of pos cases and multiply by 5 or 10 probably to capture mild ,no symptom cases.
Just out of curiosity, what officially constitutes mild symptoms? Anyone asking that question?

Also, why do we not take the same approach for the flu? If the symptoms are mild, don't test.
Just out of curiosity, what officially constitutes mild symptoms? Anyone asking that question?

Also, why do we not take the same approach for the flu? If the symptoms are mild, don't test.
We need a thinking emoji for hmmmmmmm
What I'm saying isn't that complicated, so stay with me here. Tweeting that it's no big deal WHILE remaining woefully unprepared is dumb and a bad look and sets you up for some justified criticism. Then, once it's obvious to everyone that it is a big deal, and then appearing to react to that is also a bad look and sets you up for some justified criticism.

I am very happy that things are moving in a better direction now, after the horse has left the barn. That's great. I'll give him some credit for that.

But I can also place some blame on his shoulders for at least one of the following:

1) Not understanding the potential magnitude of this from the get-go, thus not activating resources sooner, OR
2) Understanding the potential magnitude of this from the get-go but intentionally misleading everyone and not activating resources sooner, OR
3) Ambivalent to the whole thing until it was clear that it would impact things that were important to him, thus not activating resources sooner

At least one of those 3 is true. And they are all worthy of some level of criticism.
His press conferences are horrific but that's Trump. But I can tell you based on some pretty strong connections I have that our country was on this from the very beginning. The magnitude and logistics of something like this is unimaginable. Having been in the military my whole life believe me, I understand very well just how monumental this task was/is. Its been impressive what we have done and that credit goes to the team not just the man leading it.
Just out of curiosity, what officially constitutes mild symptoms? Anyone asking that question?

Also, why do we not take the same approach for the flu? If the symptoms are mild, don't test.
Last I saw was mild constituted anything where supportive care was not needed. Basically any case where the sick was not hospitalized was counted as 'mild'.
What resources activation are you suggesting? Curious, cause a lot of the resource help we are using to combat this is overwhelmingly private sector generated. Outside getting FDA to cut red tape,the 2 hospital ships, wh corono team guidlines daily press briefings, fema stock, supply chain mngmnt. They take questions everyday now for weeks
Resources like PPE, for starters. Ventilators. Extra beds. Etc. Not to mention a general acknowledgement of the situation. All of these things are FINALLY being ramped up. That's really good. I'm glad that red tape is finally getting cut. I'm glad that hosptital ships are finally showing up. I'm glad that the private sector is finally being engaged to start to manufacture items that are necessary a month ago. That's all great. Props to the admin. There's no reason we couldn't have gotten there in January. Zero.
1373 pos cases
7 Deaths

Wake County will no longer test cases mild symptoms. Only 65+ or underlying conditions.

140 in state have been hospitilzed as of Monday with Wuhan Virus.

So as others have repeatedly stated im guessing you can take number of pos cases and multiply by 5 or 10 probably to capture mild ,no symptom cases.

Rural states are holding up really well at this point.
His press conferences are horrific but that's Trump. But I can tell you based on some pretty strong connections I have that our country was on this from the very beginning. The magnitude and logistics of something like this is unimaginable. Having been in the military my whole life believe me, I understand very well just how monumental this task was/is. Its been impressive what we have done and that credit goes to the team not just the man leading it.
The mobilization taking place now is impressive. Nobody is debating that. The messaging from the beginning against the backdrop of a stunning lack of necessary protective equipment for health care workers, for example, is unimpressive.
Resources like PPE, for starters. Ventilators. Extra beds. Etc. Not to mention a general acknowledgement of the situation. All of these things are FINALLY being ramped up. That's really good. I'm glad that red tape is finally getting cut. I'm glad that hosptital ships are finally showing up. I'm glad that the private sector is finally being engaged to start to manufacture items that are necessary a month ago. That's all great. Props to the admin. There's no reason we couldn't have gotten there in January. Zero.
That's the thing I keep trying to tell you. There is no perfect plan for that. You have private companies retooling their entire operations to make things we need. You think they were going to do that in January before we knew what we know now? NO WAY in hell that happens
The mobilization taking place now is impressive. Nobody is debating that. The messaging from the beginning against the backdrop of a stunning lack of necessary protective equipment for health care workers, for example, is unimpressive.

Yeah, that is the big failure so far is the lack of supplies at the beginning. I don’t know how our government is always slow to have things ready and slow to act in disasters.
Terrible idea for churches to do this. They are opening themselves up to lawsuits and putting people at risk... and not doing their part to slow the spread. Most churches I know have moved to all online activity for now out of respect to state and federal guidelines.

It’s no wonder Texas decided to close its border with Louisiana
That's the thing I keep trying to tell you. There is no perfect plan for that. You have private companies retooling their entire operations to make things we need. You think they were going to do that in January before we knew what we know now? NO WAY in hell that happens
Particularly not if you don't engage them or can't show them that a crisis is coming....which you certainly can't by continually saying a crisis is not coming.
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