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Coronavirus (Stay on Topic)

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But at least I got to live work early. Unsure exactly of cause of power loss but appears significant.
The most ironic aspect of this and Trump is that if he thinks that we stand a chance to be to normal by Easter we would literally have to shut down EVERYTHING as China, Hong Kong, and Singapore did. That won't happen, so really it's all in his head. A pipedream at best. Also, has anyone noticed the presence of the CDC as of late? Very bizarre to say the least.
Summer may slow it down, but until there is a vaccine, it's going to be a recurring event (I fear) ... short of a vaccine, the only other option is to let the virus die ... which means no human hosts ... which means hunker world wide for a good 4 - 6 weeks ... chances of that ... nil ... hope for a valid vaccine by August ...

And treatment. I think that is the immediate goal. If we get an effective treatment that greatly lowers mortality rate it would be a huge win for mankind.
Opinions on this?

Any way we can keep the curve flat and under the point of overwhelming the system is a win win. Bring on the 100s and full sun.
And treatment. I think that is the immediate goal. If we get an effective treatment that greatly lowers mortality rate it would be a huge win for mankind.
That is surely a part of the equation ... but it is also a band aid looking mid-term and beyond ... ?
I know this woman pretty well-our kids go to school together. Sharing a piece of her post because she's trustworthy and it's not second hand information. She just was in NYC during Spring break, so out of everyone around here you would think someone with that exposure would be priority for testing.

I have been informed that I was directly exposed to the virus while in NYC & today I tried several times to get tested. When I went to the hospital (Tennova) tent they have informed patients to go to be tested, there was no one there. I went 3 times.
Then I went to a walk in clinic because they had led others to believe they were testing for it.
I get there and tell them what was going on with me and how I was exposed and that my primary care doctor wanted me to be tested today. They said to register to be seen and that they would test me. After waiting and PAYING $154, they call me to the tent and inform me they didn’t test there. Then I was informed by walk in clinic (with confirmation from hospital) that there wasn’t anywhere in Bradley County you could get tested unless your symptoms were severe enough to be hospitalized. I left after paying WITHOUT EVEN GETTING MY TEMP TAKEN or blood pressure checked. (Don’t worry, I got my money back after a phone call but I shouldn’t have had to pay in the first place because they knew they didn’t have tests.)
I wonder how many are walking around infected and not aware or can’t get tested?

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There’s been a lot of china hate but USA is also telling people to not get tested if their symptoms are mild. I’m with Bill Gates and giving China some benefit of the doubt on all this .
Forgot to say it, but thank you to everyone for the prayers. I’ve said it before, but I’m not a religious person and the caring that all of you have shown to me was (and is) amazing. I want to thank each and everyone one of you for the prayers. Thank you so very much from the bottom of my heathen heart.
Forgot to say it, but thank you to everyone for the prayers. I’ve said it before, but I’m not a religious person and the caring that all of you have shown to me was (and is) amazing. I want to thank each and everyone one of you for the prayers. Thank you so very much from the bottom of my heathen heart.
Care is a special form of prayer ... we Catholics call it a "cardinal work of mercy" ... fancy way of saying ... love you and care, Brother! Glad prayers are answered!
There’s been a lot of china hate but USA is also telling people to not get tested if their symptoms are mild. I’m with Bill Gates and giving China some benefit of the doubt on all this .

Seriously? ?‍♂️

A lot quieter in here today. Probably virus news fatigue.

This has all been like watching a disaster in slow motion. Other disasters hit, and then you start recovery. But this one is taking so long to get to the peak before recovery starts. It's a bit surreal, and I hope we never witness another one like this in our lifetimes.
NYC alone accounts for 30% of all US cases. NY state and NJ are well over 50%. Density is having a crazy effect on the spread.
Unscientific, but ... look at many of the hot-spots (including my beloved per capita Gainesviile) and compare to where the homeless/migrant/transient population centers are ...
A lot quieter in here today. Probably virus news fatigue.

This has all been like watching a disaster in slow motion. Other disasters hit, and then you start recovery. But this one is taking so long to get to the peak before recovery starts. It's a bit surreal, and I hope we never witness another one like this in our lifetimes.
I know. I just get tired and worried thinking about this going on without end. It is a test of endurance.
Unscientific, but ... look at many of the hot-spots (including my beloved per capita Gainesviile) and compare to where the homeless/migrant/transient population centers are ...
You might be onto something there. I bet most already have underlying health conditions.
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