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Misc Cold Season Complaining

All of your bosses called and need those reports that were due 2 weeks ago. The weather and lack of sleep is no excuse.
Me @Stevo24 @JHS @SnowNiner all splattered down at the bottom of the cliff! We welcome all divers! See you soon @Jimmy Hypocracy @Rain Cold @KyloG @Myfrotho704_ and anyone else in the snow starved GSP to RDU corridor

Bruh, I'm not dead yet! I'm just a paranoid weenie expecting the worst. Haven't even caught up with the overnight runs yet.

mitsubishi business time GIF
I kinda got caught in between late last night and paid for it lmao.

Thought about taking a 20 min cat nap and watching the GFS through the time of interest...well, I woke up with a scratchy throat a little over an hour later and wound up looking at that and comments on the CMC.

Really shouldn't have. It's better to get uninterrupted sleep.