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Misc Cold Season Complaining

ouch looks like I’m getting smoked next week.

I have an odd question. What did you think of when you heard "southernwx" did you think of the southeast or the whole south across the USA?

This is for research on how the site may move forward eventually.
I am just wondering cause I am seeing some new members from LA, TX area
Completely agree. If we continue to move towards a consensus on the globals, look for amounts to ramp up to the north and west as we approach go time. This isn't even just about precedence or a feeling (which you obviously know), it's about synoptics and mesoscale meteorology. Overrunning is always underdone on globals and especially in the presence of a powerful right entrance region to an upper level jet.
If you can get rid of that lee snow shadow, that would be helpful. Thx! 🙂
I'd like the perspective from the new members from further west of the se of what they thought based on name alone
You can be outside of the Southeast and still be in the South, right ?
You can be in the south southeast west of east altitude latitude ? Why? Why is Atlanta at 1000 feet ? Why doesn’t Atlanta at 1000 feet get as much snow as chingbing China at the same latitude ? Do you know? Why? Why is New Mexico in the south and so cold how?
When people talk about the NW trend I think we need to consider why. If the wave is flat it doesn’t matter if it trends NW or not. It’s not a biggie.

If it phases (amplifies) and causes a NW turn then it’s big dawg still with potential heavy precip.

A flat wave trending NW doesn’t do squat
Those are arguably in the Southeast depending on how you define it, also.

I wouldn't say TX or LA is in the SE. The Southeast to me is definitely FL, GA,NC, and SC. TN and AL is strongly arguable as well depending on if you want to be really strict or not, but I'd personally say the eastern half of TN and AL is Southeast. Outside of that, not really. VA is where the mid-atlantic begins and MS is where the mid-south begins.
I disagree about TN and AL. I would consider all of those states to be in the Southeast. The Southeast to me is TN,NC,SC,GA,FL,AL,MS.

I don't think the western half of TN is SE, at least when it comes to snowstorms. I feel like a lot of times, MS and Western TN get hit a lot harder than most of the SE when it comes to winter storms especially since the snow axis is generally SW to NE. Even city wise, I don't really consider Nashville or Memphis to be Southeastern cities especially Memphis.