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4/11/20 - 4/13/20 Severe Weather Outbreak

Really messy and challenging for the NWS offices. Storms seem to overcome some capping inversion in the areas that have not been touched yet. Ramp up and then they go mushy again and linear.

I feel like that’s gonna be the story for rest of the night. Going to be lots of wind damage with spin ups every now and then
Warned storm in TN east of Chattanooga, by the NC line. Doesn't look very impressive.
The line approaching north west Mississippi and southwestern Tennessee appears to be a growing concern for high wind based on last few scans. Really starting to develop into a “bow echo”.
This has my eye Memphis Tennessee southward into much of Mississippi starting to get warned for winds of at least 70mph. It’s actually getting stronger convection wise tonight which isn’t always seen in linear storms this late. 480C8B99-C31A-482F-8166-327B97B50B45.jpeg
The Nam 3k seems much less bullish for the STP across central NC. Although I wouldn't rely on this too much since we are in now-casting, it is, however, encouraging to see.
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This is good news, and it backed off that supercells in the QLCS look, but it really looked bad for wind damage, almost looks like our classic wintertime QLCSs we get, but just more instability, seems like it did speed up a bit tho, but the tradeoff to a smaller tornado threat was more damaging wind B55F8C89-E00A-4EF4-8A18-DA84E709C5F4.png485FAB6D-8B55-4254-B843-D2234CD7DE14.png383C437B-12E3-4DFA-BA89-8F84A627006C.png
Jesus that eastern TN tornado is moving at 65mph. Not a favorable speed to chase for sure I hope law enforcement that reported it didn’t even try.
The wind gusts here are crazy!!! Hope some of that rain ahead of the storms will stabilize as that line gets to Ga! I do not want to lose power tonite!!!! Or have trees down on my house!