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Severe 3/21-3/24 Severe Weather

69/53 and mostly cloudy with the sun in and out. The sun has been out most of the morning. Dew point was 39 at 5:45 this morning
Best chance for multiple tornado cells look to be near the border of Alabama and Mississippi.. southern portions at that.. squall line will screw up any chances of a large scale tornado outbreak but some intense tornadoes can form if discrete cells out ahead can get going before the line pushes through..and of course you can have some intense spin ups along the kinks in a line like this.. still definitely looks to be a much less widespread tornadic event than earlier thought

^^^ this is good ??
Next truck commercial: "Chevy Silvarado. Best in class 10 years running. Your Tom Brady Sucks can be hit by a EF3 and you'll still drive away, so ditch your automatic tailgates and drive like a man"

Hahahahahha! "Tom Brady Sucks"?!?! Some mods having fun, I see. Not saying I disagree, but that's not what was originally posted lol!
  • Haha
Reactions: SD
Looks like from sfc obs there's an elongated mesolow in the wake of the main convective band but it seems to be helping to turn the low level flow even more SE near Jackson and enhance the supercells in that area