Maybe we should play a little game and try to guess the first 90 degree day for selected cities in the south.
I'm in and win for Gainesville - it's 92º here right nowMaybe we should play a little game and try to guess the first 90 degree day for selected cities in the south.
April 2nd here officially.Yeah my first 90 degree day already happened. I think it actually did in March.
Sitting at home nursing a wife with food poisoning; went and checked my temp on the electronic gauge -- I take that back - it's 94.8º in the shade on my north facing no-sun porch ...![]()
Fantabulous place!I hope she feels better soon.
Regarding the heat, Have you been to the botanical gardens off of Archer on a hot day? When I was there, it seemed cooler due to the enormous amounts of shade. I especially recall the bamboo section being comfortable in the afternoon due to the very thick hedges. It was like another world! You wouldn't think that hot Archer Road was so close!
You did but let's the 2 of us to encourage others to contribute! Buy a t-shirt and help out 100%.Sitting here thankful for power and air conditioning and a hot dinner and the ability to shop where ever, whenever I want on this 6th anniversary of the complete shutdown of most of north Alabama. We had a dusk to dawn curfew for a few days due to the complete power outage. I actually left town 2 days into the situation, but from what I understand, most folks behaved themselves. These situations seem to bring out the best in humanity (with some exclusions). So many good samaritans volunteered their work, food, shelter to care for those who lost so much. And tonight, 6 years later, it is peaceful.
EchoI failed to mention that many, MANY of those good samaritans were Red Cross volunteers. They need your donations please![]()
I failed to mention that many, MANY of those good samaritans were Red Cross volunteers. They need your donations please![]()
Y'all got real men sizes?? Like 2xlt/3xlt??
????The constant scroll issue is back!![]()
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Oooooo whew my concern level went to 10.It's not an issue with this website, its my laptop and Windows 10. Sometimes it just scrolls without stopping.
Lol! Does your cursor change to a circle with arrows on the top and bottom? That's a "feature" that allows for quick scrolling. You get it by a certain method of clicking that I haven't quite nailed down yetIt's a Windows thing.
Now I know how the Braves fans felt all those years of watching their team be great during the regular season and crumbling like cheap toilet paper come playoff time; welcome to being a Caps fun... Keep getting suckered in every year only to watch them crash and burn...
Holy hell the Washington Pitt game tonight
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