I am over it...I was cool with no ice storm this week...but Damn it the NYE storm was ours!!! I had my snow. I am done!I'm not really excited about more dry cold tbh
I am over it...I was cool with no ice storm this week...but Damn it the NYE storm was ours!!! I had my snow. I am done!I'm not really excited about more dry cold tbh
I swear I want you to get some snow in Dallas!!snowing south of me again on the Euro I swear
There better now
Maybe change avatar to cold icy things too. I did and it was gratifying. Feels like I'm helping - a contribution if you will. LAWD LMAOLike I said, although the timeperiod on the thread there makes it not possible, the thread really should have been "Non Storm Thread".
Do that and start reverse jinxing as much as possible.
Can't view anything without registering everything INCLUDING BILLING INFORMATION. WHAT HAPPENED TO FREE?!?!??!?!?!?!??!?!?!? Sorry, just venting my frustration as many may.Nevermind then. Looks like regional zooms are dead for free.
Maybe if his site traffic suddenly flops he'll go back to free with everything.Right now it's not there. I just went to see if I can look at the Canadian since my main source is late but everything except for city charts is gone. Hopefully it'll be back later.