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Misc 2017 Banter/venting thread

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12z euro vs 18z gfs lol take your pick

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This trend is UGLY. Unfortunately it looks like they’re coming back around to where they were a few days ago.
I'm going to be quiet and just read/like comments only and comment only in the banter. For some reason everything I say seems to turn into an argument, same thing happened last year. And it also seems like I'm being downplayed making it seem like I don't know a thing/talking about. Btw, who deleted my signature that had the link to my Facebook weather page? Obviously it couldn't just disappeared on it's own. I didn't delete it.
I'm going to be quiet and just read/like comments only and comment only in the banter. For some reason everything I say seems to turn into an argument, same thing happened last year. And it also seems like I'm being downplayed making it seem like I don't know a thing/talking about. Btw, who deleted my signature that had the link to my Facebook weather page? Obviously it couldn't just disappeared on it's own. I didn't delete it.
Hey man, I think they were just confused as to what storm you were talking about when the models keep trending away from any possible winter storm at the moment. Makes you sound desperate for a winter storm
I'm going to be quiet and just read/like comments only and comment only in the banter. For some reason everything I say seems to turn into an argument, same thing happened last year. And it also seems like I'm being downplayed making it seem like I don't know a thing/talking about. Btw, who deleted my signature that had the link to my Facebook weather page? Obviously it couldn't just disappeared on it's own. I didn't delete it.

Lol relax man geez . No one is downplaying you . Just might want to be more clear sometimes like we all should

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I went to see Star Wars and come out and everyone is pissed off and angry. Two hours ago it was joy and excitement over a potential threat. The signal is there, I don’t think we can expect consistency this far out, especially with how things have been lately
Hey man, I think they were just confused as to what storm you were talking about when the models keep trending away from any possible winter storm at the moment. Makes you sound desperate for a winter storm
Well, all they have to do is ask, "I'm confused, could you explain?" instead of turning the table and making it seem like I'm the one confused and don't know what I'm taking about.
Well, all they have to do is ask, "I'm confused, could you explain?" instead of turning the table and making it seem like I'm the one confused and don't know what I'm taking about.
The problem is instead of being clear, you always muddle your argument. This happened last winter too. It seems like you’re spreading around your guess so at the end you can’t be wrong. Don’t take this as an insult, I just think this is what people think.
From what I can tell the 18Z run just dumped the upper level energy into Cali, which therefore buckled the flow downstream and forced up ridging in the SE. Not likely at all given the ensembles, but goes to show in this pattern how much the ops will struggle.
Does Webber consider this before he starts spewing his warm weather bias agenda or has he not gotten that far in school yet. Hahaha! Sorry, couldn't help myself. I know banter thread. Carry on.
The problem is instead of being clear, you always muddle your argument. This happened last winter too. It seems like you’re spreading around your guess so at the end you can’t be wrong. Don’t take this as an insult, I just think this is what people think.
To make predictions about the weather I spread out my guesses. That's a way to make a prediction. Guesses are possibilities, which what make up a prediction. Take observations/trends from the models and start making guesses as of what may occur. If the models trend toward something new that they caught on, another guess will be added in. Working along with the models. Weather forecasting is trial and error, and at the end, sometimes I am wrong.
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