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Misc 2017 Banter/venting thread

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That's probably the best. If things are really slow it's not a problem. When the volume picks up, we have to adjust. Let's all be flexible and try to do what's best for the board....now let's get the EURO rolling!
Bingo when we are slow banter isn’t a problem in the main thread it’s when we are busy and have guests that want to read about what’s going on that’s when we try and cut back on the banter . But we are very relaxed during down time
i dont post on the other board because a mod there is just waiting for any post i write to ban me for no reason, i learned to follow the rules 100% there, to me moderation should happen when rules are broken and all members should be treated the same by all the mods.....
I agree. However, there really is no rule book as I found out recently when I became a moderator. We try to use sound judgement and be reasonable. Not every moderator is on at the same time and the volume of posts and viewers will kind of dictate the amount of moderation needed.
There is twice as much traffic here versus the other SE board now. I have been trying to get more NC posters to come over. Not sure why they are holding out.
Who's interested in a little contest of guessing how high the pressure will be for the big Arctic High next week? Could be a fun little thread...
Instead of straight deleting banter (delete the fight stuff, please), lets try moving the posts into this thread. That might alleviate the problem.
Instead of straight deleting banter (delete the fight stuff, please), lets try moving the posts into this thread. That might alleviate the problem.
That's fine and not sure about others but I don't have ability to move post.

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The moderators have permission to move posts. Here is what it will look like when you click the check mark next to a post:

I'm all for cleaning up the arguing in the outlook and storm threads, but please don't over-moderate this place like the other board.

Maybe it’s just me but I enjoy reading the arguments and even posters who post negative stuff all the time. I understand when we are in storm mode that people don’t want the thread to be cluttered with banter. But in non storm times I don’t mind the arguing and maybe a little banter. I may reply about post that I disagree with but I certainly don’t mind those posting who’s opinions may differ from mine.
I personally am fine with a few occasional one liners and gifs in the main thread, but when they show up too often then they have to get moved/deleted. If it's an argument that has no basis and is just making everyone more tense and is only causing frustration, that's where I start deleting.
Maybe it’s just me but I enjoy reading the arguments and even posters who post negative stuff all the time. I understand when we are in storm mode that people don’t want the thread to be cluttered with banter. But in non storm times I don’t mind the arguing and maybe a little banter. I may reply about post that I disagree with but I certainly don’t mind those posting who’s opinions may differ from mine.
It isn't just you. Every once in awhile it's good to have exposure to the other aspects to help prevent cold and warm biases. Some arguments that are relevant and associated with weather and are calm are fine so long as they don't get out of hand. As mentioned earlier, we don't have a "Storm Mode" and we are still a small enough board that 5 pages won't be created in the span of 1 minute for us to moderate. We do try and promote keeping banter out of the threads during storm time and that seems to work enough.
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