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Misc 2017 Banter/venting thread

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Just a quick message from what I picked up on recently:

Let's try and keep the banter in the banter, the GW in the GW, and the December talk in the December talk. However, it is completely fine to discuss yearly temp anomalies in December as there is no place otherwise, and it being the end of the year it is fitting to discuss the end of the year in the final month of the year thread.

Also, just a friendly reminder to not get into extensive arguments over things that don't matter that much such as misposting in a topic. We will keep track of that and if there is something that doesn't fit we'll manage it. There isn't a need to get tense over something like that.

I haven't had much to post recently just due to how busy everything it for me, but I have had time to sit down and read the board and keep track of what's going on. Hopefully we can get another storm or two and also get one up to you guys in NC and SC.
Not feeling Christmas this year. Really ready for this year to just be over with. It's been a pretty sucky year personally. Started off bad, got worse, and now it's not really any better. I thought 2016 was bad, but this year was even worse.
Same here. The only bright spot has been the storm we got this month that helped take my mind off some of the personal stuff. 2016 also sucked for me as well.
Just a quick message from what I picked up on recently:

Let's try and keep the banter in the banter, the GW in the GW, and the December talk in the December talk. However, it is completely fine to discuss yearly temp anomalies in December as there is no place otherwise, and it being the end of the year it is fitting to discuss the end of the year in the final month of the year thread.

Also, just a friendly reminder to not get into extensive arguments over things that don't matter that much such as misposting in a topic. We will keep track of that and if there is something that doesn't fit we'll manage it. There isn't a need to get tense over something like that.

I haven't had much to post recently just due to how busy everything it for me, but I have had time to sit down and read the board and keep track of what's going on. Hopefully we can get another storm or two and also get one up to you guys in NC and SC.

I’ll be deleting banter posts like a champ moving forward .
Not feeling Christmas this year. Really ready for this year to just be over with. It's been a pretty sucky year personally. Started off bad, got worse, and now it's not really any better. I thought 2016 was bad, but this year was even worse.
Sorry to hear that man . Hopefully we can get you a good winter storm that keeps you stuck in the house with wife for a few days. Hope 2018 is much better for you
Wow, I really had this comment deleted from the December thread. Not sure how it's any more banter than others saying the models haven't been consistent.

Round and round the models go. What'll happen, no one knows.
I'm all for cleaning up the arguing in the outlook and storm threads, but please don't over-moderate this place like the other board.
You know other boards problem is they moderate with an attitude but unfortunately moderating is a necessary evil. Having had the opportunity to be a moderator here I see the difficulty and have been less critical of other mods. Weather folks are a tough crowd

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Over-moderation makes it a whole lot less fun. You could say any post that isn't exactly about the pattern or model specifics is banter. I don't think it has to be that serious. That's part of the reason a lot of folks didn't like the other board. I hope it doesn't become like that here.
Brick, the problem with moderation is, people have differing opinions on a post versus others. As an admin, I can view deleted posts and have scratched my head sometimes how some have been deleted while others haven't. I've restored some in the past, but for the most part I just stick to keeping things tidy and working on site functionality.

One thing I did notice, is the live thread functionality (that is currently being reworked), more banter was being posted and removed by mods. I am thinking that may be a side effect of a "chatroom-like" feature. We will have to explore our options on that front over time.

With all that said, we believe we aren't doing things that are too bad. You aren't the only one having posts removed. We are attracting a lot of new traffic, especially with cold and Wintry weather showing up on the modeling. At least we don't lock the website down and put people in time out if they post that it's cold at their house during a model run. (stormmode)
I don't think it's too big of a problem for the most part. Just seems some posts that were okay in the past have been deleted, and I'm not sure how they were really any different in context than other posts that weren't.
I don't think it's too big of a problem for the most part. Just seems some posts that were okay in the past have been deleted, and I'm not sure how they were really any different in context than other posts that weren't.

We have added some new moderators to help out since things became more active; I'll pay more attention to it and see over the next couple days.
The issue deleting banter posts is it’s a discretionary action. What one person might view as banter the other person might not . It is what is . If you make a post and it gets deleted it’s no big deal just repost it in the banter thread
Brick, consider if every member posted one liners like you do. One would have to sift through pages of that stuff to find anything informative. I don't think it's too much to ask to keep stuff like that in banter.

No, you are not the only one that is guilty.
Yeah Brick, I see 2 deleted recently that were not yours. You just don't see it since you're not on staff. It's just who's on reading at what time. Things always slip through.
We have added some new moderators to help out since things became more active; I'll pay more attention to it and see over the next couple days.
Please let us new moderators know if we are being too heavy-handed. I want to keep the atmosphere positive, educational, and fun. However, as more folks stop by, the more the December thread gets cluttered. At those busy times, there will be more banter that needs deleting.

By the way @Brick Tamland, that was me that deleted your post. We've been on these boards for over 5 years together and have had several friendly pm's. It was definitely not personal. I have no hidden agendas. I am reasonable and not sarcastic. It's definitely not like the other board we frequent. Have you noticed that almost nobody posts over there anymore? Pretty shocking.
Okay. Well, I just try to keep things fun and lighthearted with the gifs and stuff. Guess I'll just copy the posts from the main thread and post my replies here.
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Okay. Well, I just try to keep things fun and lighthearted with the gifs and stuff. Guess I'll just copy the posts from the main thread and post my replies here.
That's probably the best. If things are really slow it's not a problem. When the volume picks up, we have to adjust. Let's all be flexible and try to do what's best for the board....now let's get the EURO rolling!
i dont post on the other board because a mod there is just waiting for any post i write to ban me for no reason, i learned to follow the rules 100% there, to me moderation should happen when rules are broken and all members should be treated the same by all the mods.....
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