If it's worth it, I defer to Staff to start the thread. If it's worth it, to keep some order, maybe a page we could just add to so it's all in one place, broken down by category so that folks could easily locate what they want (e.g. "General","Observations", "GFS/GEFS", "MJO Related", "Euro (Free)" "Teleconnections", "Silly & Off-the Wall", "College Sites", and so forth). ???????I'd like to humbly offer a suggestion.
How about a thread devoted to model links so that folks can add to their arsenal? I'm thinking solid stuff (like for example, TropicalTidbits), and some off-the-wall stuff (like the Brazilian) might be good.
For example, here's one I use just for quick looks when time does not allow much review - http://wxmaps.org/
Just tossin' this out there FWIW (or might be) - Phil
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