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Wintry 2/11-2/12 ULL Magic or More Cold Rain

Well the cities along the "Fall Line" (Columbus GA,, Maco, Augusta. Columbia all have most uncomfortable summers around.. All except Columbus sit in "bowls" topography wise so the summer air just sinks and doesn t get moved out easily.. so it builds upon itself day by day in heat waves/drought times.
I would include Fayetteville NC even though they aren't on the fall line. Place can get pretty darn hot in the summer.
Well the cities along the "Fall Line" (Columbus GA,, Maco, Augusta. Columbia all have most uncomfortable summers around.. All except Columbus sit in "bowls" topography wise so the summer air just sinks and doesn t get moved out easily.. so it builds upon itself day by day in heat waves/drought times.
I think Montgomery is on the Fall Line also.
From RAH:

There still could be a snow flake at the very end of the
precipitation over the northern Piedmont, but it appears according
to most all guidance that the light precipitation rates overnight
will not allow for sufficient cooling of the boundary layer to allow
for any accumulation.
Deformation axis keeps inching east with each model run… starting to look like northeast Georgia mountains/southwestern nc, and even extreme northwestern SC could get absolutely smoked… I’m not saying it’s gonna happen but there could be a huge surprise bust on the good side there.

I mean look at that comma head in MS. Looks really intense. If someone gets snow under that, it's over.