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Wintry 2/11-2/12 ULL Magic or More Cold Rain

Not to ----...on the snow parade, but how many in the CLT area are ok with not getting a couple of token flakes. Hear me out. Never, in the CLT meteorological database has there been a winter with a shoutout. So, if we aren't going to get a SNOW, like an inch or more...I would prefer to go down in glory. This is a weather forum, so why not

Honestly, it surprises me that Charlotte has never had a shutout. Columbia is only 90 miles south and i'm pretty sure they get shutouts regularly.
So true. Very common for Columbia to be in the 100-105 range during heat waves... meanwhile Charlotte is won't break 100. And then theirs the heat index. Fayetteville here in NC comes to mind as being comperable to Colombia.