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Wintry 2/11-2/12 ULL Magic or More Cold Rain

Not to ----...on the snow parade, but how many in the CLT area are ok with not getting a couple of token flakes. Hear me out. Never, in the CLT meteorological database has there been a winter with a shoutout. So, if we aren't going to get a SNOW, like an inch or more...I would prefer to go down in glory. This is a weather forum, so why not historical weather? Flame away....
Honestly, it surprises me that Charlotte has never had a shutout. Columbia is only 90 miles south and i'm pretty sure they get shutouts regularly.
Honestly, it surprises me that Charlotte has never had a shutout. Columbia is only 90 miles south and i'm pretty sure they get shutouts regularly.
CLT has recorded at least an official trace every winter on record… I’ve said before but I still strongly questioned there not being anything recorded back on 12/20. The entire metro area had a period of light sleet mixed with snow for several hours that day but somehow the observers at the airport never saw any.

These are the returns that you want for dynamic cooling

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Not to ----...on the snow parade, but how many in the CLT area are ok with not getting a couple of token flakes. Hear me out. Never, in the CLT meteorological database has there been a winter with a shoutout. So, if we aren't going to get a SNOW, like an inch or more...I would prefer to go down in glory. This is a weather forum, so why not historical weather? Flame away....
Totally agree. Let’s make history if we are going to suck.
@rainforest yea I think toxaway will do ok. At least an inch or two but maybe a lot more depending on the banding that does or does not fill in. Trends on hrrr and rap are looking good for your location.
Hrrr and RAP are trying to crash the snow level all the way down to Walhalla/Easley/GSP tomorrow morning when the heavy band they're showing pivots through... and they've trended better the last few runs. Not out of the question that we see a burst of chicken feathers and maybe a quick dusting.

Which is what the globals have been showing all along for the most part.