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Coronavirus (Stay on Topic)

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I don't have a problem with it being labeled essential, but all non essential items should be barred from being bought. Wal-Mart should be the same way, relegated to a grocery store only.
Ok, I don't understand your reasoning here. Why does it matter what you buy from Lowes or Walmart? Also, we should stop calling businesses "essential" or "non-essential". To the owners, operators and employees, all business are essential to provide income needed to buy food, housing, medical care and other "essentials".
I'm sorry, but the stay at home order for NC is absolutely ridiculous in light of the new evidence that we have likely been sold a flawed death rate based off wrong assumptions. We are dramatically hurting our Economy over using these bad modeled predictions to make decisions. I already posted one article from the WSJ but didn't realize it was making you join to read it. I think this one will work.

and the model that was predicting 2 million deaths.

If you over run the hospital capacity, then the death rate explodes.
Looks like the government is making GM make ventilators

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Ok, I don't understand your reasoning here. Why does it matter what you buy from Lowes or Walmart? Also, we should stop calling businesses "essential" or "non-essential". To the owners, operators and employees, all business are essential to provide income needed to buy food, housing, medical care and other "essentials".

You missed my point. If you issue a stay at home order or close all non essential businesses but leave Wal-Mart and HD/Lowes open you are just asking for more spread. You are putting people in masse at home with nothing to do or go to, but leaving the big stores completely open where they will flock to buy video games, pansys and toilets to work on during their time at home. That means you are packing the stores doing the opposite of what you intended.

If you are gonna make the shelter in place decision, you cannot leave Wal-Mart and the big hardware stores fully open or you either defeat the purpose or make things worse. If you close down all non essential parts of Lowes and Walmart, you stop the all the people from going who are just bored or want to make use of their off time around the house.
If you over run the hospital capacity, then the death rate explodes.
If you run this out months without opening the economy back up, the lack of food, inability to pay for health care, civil unrest and crime and lack of shelter kills far more, likely those that recovered from the virus in the first place. It's still a horrible idea to "cower in place". Advise at risk groups, provide support for them, let individuals decide how they should respond and let the healthy get back to work!
You missed my point. If you issue a stay at home order or close all non essential businesses but leave Wal-Mart and HD/Lowes open you are just asking for more spread. You are putting people in masse at home with nothing to do or go to, but leaving the big stores completely open where they will flock to buy video games, pansys and toilets to work on during their time at home. That means you are packing the stores doing the opposite of what you intended.

If you are gonna make the shelter in place decision, you cannot leave Wal-Mart and the big hardware stores fully open or you either defeat the purpose or make things worse. If you close down all non essential parts of Lowes and Walmart, you stop the all the people from going who are just bored or want to make use of their off time around the house.
I see your point but I don't like the authoritarian approach at all. I want to see freedoms restored now. My area has likely already been worked over by the virus (started here in mid December and lasted through January). We likely have herd immunity here. Other areas are not as well worked over and will have more infections and severe cases. Again, what is the true IFR (infection fatality rate)? We should know this by now and this is where I think the government has totally failed. I blame them for not collecting the required data before making draconian decisions.
Once we get control of the curve I’m of the belief we need to get back to business. Work on ways to medicate people effectively once infected and find a vaccine for the next cycle if there is one.
It does seem kind of counterproductive to shut everything down and keep Walmart open. That just means everybody comes to Walmart since everything else is closed. And of course Walmart is insanely crowded which is exactly what experts say to avoid.
If you over run the hospital capacity, then the death rate explodes.

Not to be ugly but did you actually read the articles. They make a lot of educated sense. I pray they are right and want to be optimistic about this. I do know our country can't survive "as we know it" for long locked down. Greater than a month for instance, especially the states that are severely locked down such as California and New York. I do agree New York needs some measures most likely.
I see your point but I don't like the authoritarian approach at all. I want to see freedoms restored now. My area has likely already been worked over by the virus (started here in mid December and lasted through January). We likely have herd immunity here. Other areas are not as well worked over and will have more infections and severe cases. Again, what is the true IFR (infection fatality rate)? We should know this by now and this is where I think the government has totally failed. I blame them for not collecting the required data before making draconian decisions.

I completely understand your point. I'm just saying if our government, local and federal thinks this is what we need to do, they need to think it out better and get the show on the road and do it right or at least make it sensible. If they don't believe it's the way to go and what they are doing isn't needed they need to stop it.
Once we get control of the curve I’m of the belief we need to get back to business. Work on ways to medicate people effectively once infected and find a vaccine for the next cycle if there is one.

I agree. I think a lockdown should've happened a while ago to start getting over it. But I think the most feasible deal would extend to mid-May, and then at least start transitioning to normal in the real world (sports might be a whole different ballgame, I'm hoping they happen this year but there is so much extreme pessimism it wouldn't surprise me if no sports go off).

Of course, some of the extreme pessimism is saying that we should lock up the country and toss away the key until 2021 because once we start trying to go back to normal, we'll see spikes in cases again and have to lock up again.
With summer rapidly approaching in the deep South, im worried about forcing people to stay at home. There are some poor and elderly people who can't afford air conditioning. Some people rely on going to public places like a mall or store in order to cool down and a lot of those places are closed.
Summer begins in June.
85 today. It’s already here.

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Haha sure, I know. Just being overly-technical. The poster had already demonstrated a lack of understanding about the disease, so I was ready to pile on.
AL is shutting all non-essential businesses tomorrow at 1700, buts it's also a pretty broad definition of essential. My family has already been at this for two weeks on our own, heavily restricting our contact.
Once we get control of the curve I’m of the belief we need to get back to business. Work on ways to medicate people effectively once infected and find a vaccine for the next cycle if there is one.
Who knows how long that will be. My concern with going back to bau is it just comes roaring back again. I am baffled that hasnt happened in china - maybe they just ssid ---- it, dont tell anyone
Who knows how long that will be. My concern with going back to bau is it just comes roaring back again. I am baffled that hasnt happened in china - maybe they just ssid poop it, dont tell anyone
notice how Tokyo went into a COVID panic ... oh yeah ... that happened the day after the Olympics were postponed ... Frankly, trust published reports at your own peril ...
For the life of me I don't know how that accomplishes much. If you are making everyone stay home, but leaving Walmart and Lowes/HD open and the ability to go, you are asking for even more spread.
Apparently words mean more than actions
I think the Chinese are lying. They've been doing it since the beginning.
Love the debate. The great thing is that there isn't a right answer. We need to recognize that basically everyone has the same information, and smart people can come to different conclusions. In the absence of a breakthrough treatment, we must either rely on everyone (or at least a large majority) getting infected and becoming immune, or we must hold out for a vaccine. I suppose a third option is that the virus will just go away on its own, but that seems like an especially bad bet. What we do with the time until either of those three options comes to fruition is the source of our great debate. It's not an easy choice.

We should also recognize that the number of confirmed infections is likely a huge underestimate of the true number of infections. To look at the bright side, every confirmed case likely represents 10 or so people (or maybe even more) with mild or even subclinical infections. Which means, although our number of deaths is going up, so too is the number of immune people. We're gaining those folks at an exponential rate. Consider that, at least, a blessing.
How long does life insurance take to kick in? I have some but was thinking about adding some now just in case. Anyone in the insurance business?
I don't
Big time Doctor told my friend, that he thinks it is a million infected right now. And, it is going to be bad here soon.
Honestly, that is awesome news if true because it goes right along with the articles I posted that this coronavirus Is not near as deadly or dangerous as we've been led to believe. It means "most people" notice nothing of consequence and we are quickly building our hurd immunity. Let's not go insane with the lockdowns . Many people don't seem to understand the dire consequences of them if they last very long. They think we can just lock down for months and then just pick back up without skipping a beat.

This virus is not unprecedented but the lockdowns sure are!
It’s Russian roulette. There could be multiple strains circulating with some more virulent than others. Bats are reservoirs for these deadly viruses.

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I don't

Honestly, that is awesome news if true because it goes right along with the articles I posted that this coronavirus Is not near as deadly or dangerous as we've been led to believe. It means "most people" notice nothing of consequence and we are quickly building our hurd immunity. Let's not go insane with the lockdowns . Many people don't seem to understand the dire consequences of them if they last very long. They think we can just lock down for months and then just pick back up without skipping a beat.

This virus is not unprecedented but the lockdowns sure are!
Also, he said one of the cocktails is showing to be very promising !!!
I don't

Honestly, that is awesome news if true because it goes right along with the articles I posted that this coronavirus Is not near as deadly or dangerous as we've been led to believe. It means "most people" notice nothing of consequence and we are quickly building our hurd immunity. Let's not go insane with the lockdowns . Many people don't seem to understand the dire consequences of them if they last very long. They think we can just lock down for months and then just pick back up without skipping a beat.

This virus is not unprecedented but the lockdowns sure are!
Pulling in naval ships to house the sick isnt unprecedented? When has something similar happened in the past 100 years?
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