Did they get purchased by IBM? If so I wouldn't touch itWill do. Red Hat may be more likely? Need something though.
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Did they get purchased by IBM? If so I wouldn't touch itWill do. Red Hat may be more likely? Need something though.
Haha yeah. I had a guy at my church say the exact same thing.Did they get purchased by IBM? If so I wouldn't touch it
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Beauty of working for yourself ... You can fire you every time you get pissed off at you, and can re-hire you every time you need to ...IBM will destroy Red Hat. They seem to have layoffs every year at IBM. I would be really mad if I worked at Red Hat now.
It's funny how it's the same select few posters finding something to whine about this time being (yet again) whining about the whining thread. I really don't see a problem here other than for those posters trying to draw attention to themselves by any means necessary. Yawn.
So, people don't like others complaining and whining, yet there is a whole thread dedicated to just that. That's what is funny to me, and the whole purpose of my complaining was to point out the irony. Thanks for everyone that participated.
I have a friend who works there and he said so far they are keeping things separate, essentially letting RH run the way it always has. Allegedly, that is supposed to continue, but we know how that goes.IBM will destroy Red Hat. They seem to have layoffs every year at IBM. I would be really mad if I worked at Red Hat now.
So, people don't like others complaining and whining, yet there is a whole thread dedicated to just that. That's what is funny to me, and the whole purpose of my complaining was to point out the irony. Thanks for everyone that participated.
I'm also the dumbest, meanest, most annoying and I'm pretty ugly too!The irony to the whole thing is the individual with supposedly the most "degrees" here is also the most immature. oh the palpable irony.
Check your PM.I'm also the dumbest, meanest, most annoying and I'm pretty ugly too!
The difference is, one is solely here for the purpose of being a jackass. Unprovoked, I might add. Proactive jackassery.It just sucks to see people on here argue and fight especially if they are very intelligent people with a lot to other (like two certain posters here, ahem). Complaining is okay but arguing is just unnecessary.
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It just sucks to see people on here argue and fight especially if they are very intelligent people with a lot to other (like two certain posters here, ahem). Complaining is okay but arguing is just unnecessary.
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This djwj4 392cfjj is..f jaj,fk sjswjww qoprvm andMy previous heated battles w/ 1300m foreshadowed this sort of behavior from him (or her) to come and it's pretty obvious who the problem is/was.
Lol take teen and replace it with man or woman. That's your rep on here.It's ok man, I forgive you. Everyone here knows your history as a pompous, arrogant, egotistical teenager.
It's just funny to me how some of the same people that have been banned from virtually every other weather board known to man complain about everything & anything under the sun or simply for the purpose of complaining about others complaining. It gets old really quick, just like Wake Co snow gradients
While I understand your point you were comparing apples to orangesI think you failed to grasp the irony of the situation.
While I understand your point you were comparing apples to oranges
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Then how about another analogy. Comparing potatoes to rocks.Both are fruit.
Then how about another analogy. Comparing potatoes to rocks.
Wow!!! Let's not let one individual member destroy our relationship here on the board, that member loves attention and us by responding to him is fueling him up.
Boston sports fans fighting after not getting a call going their way for once. You hate to see it.
What the heck???? Why would they fight themselves??? They doesn’t even make sense!!! Just wow!!!
Soooooo who won the fightBoston sports fans fighting after not getting a call going their way for once. You hate to see it.
You make my head hurt not from excess of intelligence, but rather the sentence structure and your purpose of the post.lots of wild hysteria tonight and possible wannabes of me I’ll tell u right now it’s me and only me only board of weather 101 Wilkes county dud aka tropical weather analytics of weather under ground aka dude Fall spring winter 2020
If you type enough random words in a row, you will eventually luck into a sentence.lots of wild hysteria tonight and possible wannabes of me I’ll tell u right now it’s me and only me only board of weather 101 Wilkes county dud aka tropical weather analytics of weather under ground aka dude Fall spring winter 2020