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Tropical Major Hurricane Harvey

With the excruciatingly slow projected movement, surge, and heavy rain.... inland flooding may be the story of Harvey. Imagine 20 or 30 inches of rain in your backyard ( but in this case over a very large area) and nowhere for it to go. Flooding is going to be catastrophic even in places where flooding hasn't happened before.
Is the Euro still showing this to eventually move through the Arklamiss and northeastward after second landfall?
my guess, it will show the same solution. Very tricky forecast with Harvey

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Both the HWRF and HMON advertise a cat 4 at landfall. Take the HMON for what ii's worth, but those riding the HWRF may want to get off or we may be looking at a last minute intensification.
Looking better for us (SWLA/Lafayette) as models less bullish on quick bounce off of Texas and re-emergence into the Gulf? Seems to be more agreement on taking Harvey more inland in TX for longer, sparing LA a major-ish 2nd hit. Am I seeing that right? (Understanding, of course, that the models can be wrong)
12z euro has Harvey deeper into Texas vs 00z which kept it right along the coast

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