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Pattern Novemburrr

even in bad pattern winters we will sneak some sort of Evolution out at someee point in the winter to give us a shot. We can’t be throwing the towel in before we even get into December lol is all I’m saying
Don’t recall anything sneaking in on me. And I’m in Tennessee… that winter 11. 12.. hope I am wrong yeah don’t throw towel in this early I am not, but what I am seeing we will be fighting a loosing battle prettt much things don’t get fixed in the pacific . Never seen it this bad thus far
Don’t recall anything sneaking in on me. And I’m in Tennessee… that winter 11. 12.. hope I am wrong yeah don’t throw towel in this early I am not, but what I am seeing we will be fighting a loosing battle prettt much things don’t get fixed in the pacific . Never seen it this bad thus far
Don’t recall anything sneaking in on me. And I’m in Tennessee… that winter 11. 12.. hope I am wrong yeah don’t throw towel in this early I am not, but what I am seeing we will be fighting a loosing battle prettt much things don’t get fixed in the pacific . Never seen it this bad thus far
Yeah I’m talking about real ones in CAD NC ain’t ever gone 1 winter without any type of winter precip
If you look at all La Ninas since 1895 that were above normal in Dec at RDU, the median snow of those 22 winters is ~3.7", or ~25% below normal and ~2/3rds of those winters had below average snowfall. Not the end of the world, and you could cherry-pick a few occasional blockbusters (1999-00) as a counterpoint, but the overall signal certainly puts us at a decided disadvantage when December is warm in a la nina. Same can not be said for El Nino winters tho.

So, we're basically giving ourselves a 33% chance (historically) to end up 'cashing in' this winter, you can basically assume that's the upper bound on the chances here because the long-term trend is towards warmer/less snowy winters w/ time.
lol when you look at it there’s literally nothing going good for the eastern US in early December for cold, the MJO, SPV, the evolution in AK, the disappearing blocking, I mean the only way I could think we improve it is get some random -NAO to try and come back from some super random wavebreaking. let’s just enjoy this while it’s here B305B2B1-51D0-4D2B-9F25-FF95348B49FB.png
Imagine waking up to read the last 40 or so new posts and just about none of them have anything to do with the thread topic of November, which is going to end up nice and cold…actually the coldest month in years anomalywise for a good bit of the SE. A fantastic month!
Imagine waking up to read the last 40 or so new posts and just about none of them have anything to do with the thread topic of November, which is going to end up nice and cold…actually the coldest month in years anomalywise for a good bit of the SE. A fantastic month!
They just have to be negative when it’s so cold out lol nothing we can do but the December talk should stay in the December thread
Looks like we’re headed for another warm winter

At this point in the game, I accept that things don't work like they used to. Even ENSO seems not to matter much anymore neither. The last three El Nino's have been quite warm in the SE. Until waters near Australia cool down,this is basically what we should expect every Winter for the SE going forward.