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Site News Community Guidelines

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Rain Cold

Pattern Cha...Loading...
2024 Supporter
2017-2023 Supporter
Jan 5, 2017
Reaction score
Morganton, NC
Hey Everybody,

Over the coming days and weeks, we will be launching a series of site rules and guidelines to help facilitate consistent interactions within our community and consistent moderation across all threads.

You should have an expectation of consistency and transparency which emanate from a coherent and fair set of standards that govern the operation of the site. To that end, we will develop those in an official capacity and post them here.

If you have any suggestions that you feel will help the site's operation, please feel free to PM me. I will take those to the staff, and while I cannot promise they will be implemented, they will be discussed and considered.

With that said, we're going to start with Politics, since this is election season and this is a current and very divisive topic. The following rules are not intended as a form of restriction but instead to eliminate animosity and acrimony over a highly emotional topic within an emotionally charged environment.

Thank you for your participation on the site and for your support of this effort.

1. All political discussions, humor, memes, innuendos, etc. are to be posted within the Politics thread.

2. Political avatars supporting a political party or a particular candidate are prohibited.

3. Political posts within the politics thread will be done in good faith and without hostility. Sexism, racism, personal threats, personal attacks, and hate speech are all prohibited.

More to come.
Hey Everybody,

In accordance with the above, we have created a formal set of rules and guidelines for posting throughout the site.

This codifies the general framework that we have been operating within. Please take a moment and review these, and please let us know if any questions come up.

As you likely realize, not everything is quantifiable. We will do our best to moderate fairly and with consistency. As always, please don't hesitate to reach out with any questions or concerns. And please feel free to use the report button as you deem necessary.

General Site Rules and Posting Etiquette

1. Comments in storm, pattern, event, or topical threads should be relevant to topic at hand.

2. All banter such as, "Come to papa" or "I hate cold and dry" should be posted in the banter or complaining threads. This includes emojis, random gifs, and exclamations like Boom, Bust, Next, etc.

3. Political discussion is not permitted in non-political threads. Political discussion and differences in ideology should not carry over into other threads.

4. Pornograhpic or graphically violent images, gifs, or other content types will not be permitted in any thread.

5. Political avatars are not permitted.

6. Offensive behavior including but not limited to insults, threats, doxing, name-calling, inciting, or generally disruptive activity is not permitted. This rule applies board-wide.

7a. Disagreements with staff should be dealt with via PM. Arguing with staff about a moderation decision in the open forum will not be permitted.

7b. If you feel that a staff member has made an unfair decision, you may appeal to another staff member via PM.

8. Modest debating is permitted. However, escalating arguments will not be allowed in the open forum. Posts will be deleted at the discretion of the staff.

9. If you do not care to interact with a poster or read their comments, either skip ahead or place them on Ignore. Provoking members whom you do not like will not be tolerated.

10. Due to the widely-used ignore feature, staff will start all weather threads. If you feel a thread should be started or have an idea for a thread, contact a staff member. We will start the thread and credit the poster for the thread idea. Threads will be started at the appropriate time and for appropriate events. There is no need to have multiple posts regarding starting threads.

11. Spam is not allowed and will be deleted. This includes posting high quantities of long-range model run maps with no context. Continued spamming will result in a thread or site ban.

12. Insensitive posts, such as "They deserve it (a bad weather outcome)" will be deleted and the poster may be banned.

13. Temporarily banned posters returning under a different identity will be re-banned and risk a permanent ban.

14. Only one name-change will be allowed per year.

Staff Activity and Response

1. All staff members have authority to delete, move, or edit posts at their own discretion.

2. All staff members have authority to warn or temporarily ban posters from specific threads or the site.

3. Permanent bans will be discussed among and agreed upon the entire staff before such action is taken.

We greatly appreciate your membership and your contributions to the site. Thank you for helping us keep things organized and running smoothly.
Hey Everybody,

Over the coming days and weeks, we will be launching a series of site rules and guidelines to help facilitate consistent interactions within our community and consistent moderation across all threads.

You should have an expectation of consistency and transparency which emanate from a coherent and fair set of standards that govern the operation of the site. To that end, we will develop those in an official capacity and post them here.

If you have any suggestions that you feel will help the site's operation, please feel free to PM me. I will take those to the staff, and while I cannot promise they will be implemented, they will be discussed and considered.

With that said, we're going to start with Politics, since this is election season and this is a current and very divisive topic. The following rules are not intended as a form of restriction but instead to eliminate animosity and acrimony over a highly emotional topic within an emotionally charged environment.

Thank you for your participation on the site and for your support of this effort.
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