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Severe 4/12 - (?) Severe Weather

That higher tornado risk needs to be added more east into north Mississippi. Long range HRRR is spitting the supercells. Still not in close range though
Your really looking at a volatile environment in north Mississippi. Here's the lighting density thought it would be a intresting look.HRRRSE_con_ltng_027.pngHRRRSE_con_ltng_024.pngrefcmp_uh001h.us_se (2).pngrefcmp_uh001h.us_se (3).png
Looks meh to me at this point. If that front can stay back for some day time heating to establish we can get some good CAPE to fill in.. wind shear is negligible at best so we’re probably talking isolated clusters of single cell strong to maybe severe storms maybe some hail mixed in and some downbursts? Marginal to slight risk day at best I would think. NAM 18z pushes that front in quick so it’ll be interesting to see 00z
The models show this weakening as it gets to me! A lot of times they weaken these lines too quickly, wee will see what happens! 3D1BBA72-9E0D-4A61-97CC-B1FB3F9AC9F0.png
Think your highest tornado threat or atleast isolated possibly will be in the yellow area. Also pretty distinguished outflow boundary in black .Screenshot_20220413-051300-723.png