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Misc 2018 Banter & Venting Thread

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How many stinking torch posts are we going to have to read before it actually happens? Been hearing this ---- since Christmas ! I mean, these blistering 4 days are torchy, but then comes a longer cold snap than heatwave. I mean if we didn't score before Jan 10th, it was winter over, Nina, blah , blah , blah.
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How many stinking torch posts are we going to have to read before it actually happens? Been hearing this ---- since Christmas ! I mean, these blistering 4 days are torchy, but then comes a longer cold snap than heatwave. I mean if we didn't score before Jan 10th, it was winter over, Nina, blah , blah , blah.

Honestly I do think we eventually flip the switch to La Nina for good but like what's been said at the other thread, the long range has been hinting a little that there might be a persistent -AO later and if the Pacific rolls back over, it'll be here we go again for at least a short while. Maybe if so, we won't get as deep of a pattern as last time and maybe score one more time.
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How many stinking torch posts are we going to have to read before it actually happens? Been hearing this ---- since Christmas ! I mean, these blistering 4 days are torchy, but then comes a longer cold snap than heatwave. I mean if we didn't score before Jan 10th, it was winter over, Nina, blah , blah , blah.
Don't you know that because JB went all warm, it's not going to happen? When he speaks short range, the opposite happens!
Holthaus is such a clown... He's such an embarrassment to the weather/climate community and should really just stop talking
View attachment 2698

That pastey freak weighs what? 105 pounds without eating meat?

He also thinks he should get a vasectomy like some women who are now sterile because of climate change.
Lol damn I didn't see that tweet
I don’t even know why I follow the dude. I remember last year he “came out” as autistic and made this huge deal about it. Sounded like the biggest excuse, esp. When he’s high-functioning autistic acting like he actually has a major struggle in life. What a ----- if you ask me. Some dude with an severely autistic son got completely outraged saying that he had no clue how he’s son felt... etc..
I don’t even know why I follow the dude. I remember last year he “came out” as autistic and made this huge deal about it. Sounded like the biggest excuse, esp. When he’s high-functioning autistic acting like he actually has a major struggle in life. What a ----- if you ask me. Some dude with an severely autistic son got completely outraged saying that he had no clue how he’s son felt... etc..

He also has several college degrees (including a meteorology degree) and is apparently very capable of understanding atmospheric science and policy but chooses to spew nonsense...
He also promised to never fly again to reduce his carbon footprint. I'm willing to bet he wants the hurricane hunters to stop too!
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