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Winter Grade

It's a F for me. If we don't get lucky in the next couple of weeks, then this will be my first winter (here in the Triangle) without measurable snow. It's also been extremely warm. I think the worse (winter wise) has been this current warm spell. I guess the only positive (for me) was the cold Christmas and then going to Beech Mountain during blizzard conditions.
Between the historic December tornado outbreak (which occurred at diurnal minimum to tout), and all three months being solidly above average average (7th warmest winter on record), It would have been a solid A- if not for:

*The deep freeze/snow flurries pre-Christmas.

*The 2nd deep freeze/ice storm in late January / early February (over 80 consecutive hours below 32*F).

That said, I'll go with a B.
FFFK......With the exception of a frigid Christmas and a small light dusting in Atlanta, this winter was a cluster FFFK
It's an F here for me. Only one or two days of snow showers and barely a dusting of accumulation. The highlight of the winter was the big arctic front in December. Got down to about 3 degrees.
Ummm, Atlanta had a big snowstorm in 2001-02. This winter was nothing like that winter in terms of snowfall for Atlanta.
I was thinking Atlanta got in on the 1/2-1/3/2002 storm that year. If I remember correctly it brought significant snow in a lot of the south before blowing up into that major coastal storm for eastern and central Carolinas
It depends on how you grade it. Overall I wouldn't give it an F but I would if snow was the only parameter on the grading scale. At least we had the extreme cold shot some have been looking for but we didn't spend weeks on end in the 40s with no snow
My grade is a c. Late December brought in those insanely cold temps with a high of 5 and a low of -5 plus about 2.5 inches of snow over a 3-4 day period. If not for that early season snow I would have ended up with a trace For the season. Then in early February I got freezing rain for 3 consecutive days but luckily it was just short of causing major power outages. I believe I had a little bit above a quarter inch of ZR. I pretty much knew I had about a 90% chance of seeing less than 3 inches of snow this season since the previous 2 winters resulted in double digit snow totals each. Since I’ve lived here in 2006 I have never had 3 winters in a row of getting at least 3 inches of snow. I’ve also never had 3 straight winters of not getting at least 3 inches of snow so it’s pretty easy to know if a winter will be good or bad if you use the averages . It’s those In between years like next year that are harder to predict. It could go either way but if it’s a 2nd straight year of low snow totals then you can bet 2025 will be a snowy one.
Still D after this turd duster! 81EA76B6-62DF-4649-890A-D91994F39204.png