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Tropical TS Mindy


El Nina stinks
Jan 5, 2017
Reaction score
Not telling
The lemon in the Southwestern Carribean has now been designated as a invest.
An area of low pressure is producing some disorganized shower
activity over the southwestern Caribbean Sea. Some slow development
of this system is possible over the next couple of days as it moves
westward or west-northwestward at 5 to 10 mph toward Central
America. Thereafter, land interaction with Central America and the
Yucatan Peninsula of Mexico will likely limit further development of
this system. Regardless of development, heavy rains are possible
across portions of Central America and the Yucatan Peninsula late
this week and this weekend.
* Formation chance through 48 hours...low...20 percent.
* Formation chance through 5 days...low...20 percent.
Models seems to be trying 91L in the gulf.
This is 00z CMC, that has trended this for awhile. The issue will be water if it happens. It meanders along the LA for 24 hours or longer,

12z ICON also dumping rain in the same area.

12z GFS got nothing.

Would add salt to the wound.....literally.


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Probably going to really need to watch this system as it has some potential to be a gulf coast late bloomer. Most models want to cut off a weak upper level system to its north this weekend. How this wave and any upper level feature interact and resolve themselves probably won't be ironed out for a few days.
Icon doesn't dig this out of the gulf and whatever system is there would likely slowly drift west toward south Texas as the upper ridge builds east from the SW.

Both the icon and the NAM did place a little more emphasis on the area off the coast of Honduras this morning. Still probably a few days to iron this one out