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Story time / weird events dont look at Jimmy post

My story is nowhere on the scale of crazy as some other ones in this section, but I swear every bit of it is true. My aunt Tonya died from a rare form of lung cancer when she was only 26. My cousin Alex was her only child, and his 6th birthday was a few months after her passing. His party was at her house since my grandmother and few other people stayed there with my aunt, and I believe this was my first visit where there was no longer a hospice bed in the living room. He received a number of gifts as expected for a kid's birthday, but the one he loved was a remote control monster truck. It turned out that it still needed batteries, so my mom promised she would get some for the truck as soon as the party died down a bit. Later on while it was only me and my cousin in the living room, Alex grabbed the remote for the truck and it did start moving around. We double checked the remote and truck and no one had added batteries yet to either. It moved a couple of times without either of us using the remote too. Mom gave a surprised look to me and vice versa when she returned from the store and saw it moving around without any batteries.
That reminds me of something that happened before my wife and I were married. We would be sitting in their living room, her family and myself either all talking or having Bible study and we would hear this zap and pop. After it happened enough times we went investigating. What we found was a old tv they had used for years as a end table in a corner with a table cloth over it would build up enough static to try to come on every now and then.
My grandpa was born in Buczacz, Poland (now Ukraine) in 1930 and is Jewish.

He spent 2 of the Holocaust years hiding in a hayloft. Food sometimes was just a piece of bread and the water from boiled potatoes. If you were lucky, you could have dandelion greens, cherries, and cucumbers (in the summer).

He missed a lot of formal schooling and English was his second language, but he was one of the brightest kids at his high school when he came over to the US, and he went on to become a doctor.

I’ve heard a lot about his experiences, both from him and from others, but the thing that I thought I was going to post late tonight, I’ll make sure about before I do so.
I remember my grandmother when she was younger and just moved into the country with my grandpa, went hunting and it got dark so she had to walk back a good half mile to a mile to her vehicle. Which they parked a good bit off to not spook wildlife. And got stalked by a mountain lion. She said she had saw a large animal go from all fours and put it's two front paws legs on a tree probably about 4 or 5 feet up like it was stretching when she was in her hunting stand. Out in the field on the edge of clearing before she headed back. Which wasn't great because she was already spooked. But she made her way back to the car hearing twigs break and noises it sounded like trailing her.
I remember my grandmother when she was younger and just moved into the country with my grandpa, went hunting and it got dark so she had to walk back a good half mile to a mile to her vehicle. Which they parked a good bit off to not spook wildlife. And got stalked by a mountain lion. She said she had saw a large animal go from all fours and put it's two front paws legs on a tree probably about 4 or 5 feet up like it was stretching when she was in her hunting stand. Out in the field on the edge of clearing before she headed back. Which wasn't great because she was already spooked. But she made her way back to the car hearing twigs break and noises it sounded like trailing her.
And that's not to mention the weed farm my uncle and grandpa came across riding dirt bikes out in the wilderness. My uncle didn't understand at first. But my grandpa said. Whatever you do. Dont look around, turn your bike and drive out of here like you didn't see anything. Which was pretty freaky to my uncle but he later understood it was a weed farm and people will kill over that
Checked in and what I remembered hearing was right, so here goes...

After the war, my grandpa worked on the black market selling cigarettes to Russian soldiers and got arrested twice by the Russians for that. One of the times he got arrested, the judge was Jewish, so he let him go (and I didn't know about that until this morning), the other time, he got out of his arrest by gradually slowing his walking speed, and when they noticed that he was lagging behind, he turned and ran.

When I was thinking about posting this last night but passed, I could vaguely hear my grandma's voice talking about this (the wording was different though).

I wasn't sure if it was the Russian soldier deal, because I can vaguely remember my grandpa telling me a story about how he had to jump off a train. I'm not sure if that's actually true, but the black market stuff is true because I've heard about it a few times now.
Checked in and what I remembered hearing was right, so here goes...

After the war, my grandpa worked on the black market selling cigarettes to Russian soldiers and got arrested twice by the Russians for that. One of the times he got arrested, the judge was Jewish, so he let him go (and I didn't know about that until this morning), the other time, he got out of his arrest by gradually slowing his walking speed, and when they noticed that he was lagging behind, he turned and ran.

When I was thinking about posting this last night but passed, I could vaguely hear my grandma's voice talking about this (the wording was different though).

I wasn't sure if it was the Russian soldier deal, because I can vaguely remember my grandpa telling me a story about how he had to jump off a train. I'm not sure if that's actually true, but the black market stuff is true because I've heard about it a few times now.
My great grandparents had to flee from Italy during Mussolinis reign because of the mob supposedly and because it was just awful being in that area during WW2.
My great grandparents had to flee from Italy during Mussolinis reign because of the mob supposedly and because it was just awful being in that area during WW2.

Oh, my grandma wasn't from Eastern Europe. She was just told about it and told me about it. They met at a hospital in Chicago while grandpa was still in his residency, and that was where my dad was born.

She also once told me a little bit about what my grandpa's family had to do to be able to immigrate, but I can't remember much at all from that.

They came to Georgia because grandpa wanted something easier than running a family practice, and he was the medical director at Georgia War Veteran's Nursing Home and taught at MCG for a good long while.
Kayaking down down the Edisto River 9 years ago on the heels of a tropical storm. Fell out of my kayak onto a submerged cypress root. The root went into my hand and into my wrist. Camped on the river that night due to being 3-4 hours from the nearest landing. Woke up the next morning with fever and chills and my veins were turning black halfway up my left arm. Made it to the landing the next afternoon and called a cab to take me to the hospital. Severe infection in my tissue and blood. The doctor told me I would most likely lose my hand and probably my arm as well. After surgery, IV antibiotics, and nearly a year of rehabilitation I still have a functioning left hand.
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Back when I was a preteen before I was interested in weather me and my mom would go walk at a lake. And it so happened that a derecho or either a nasty squall line hit that day. Pretty sure it was a derecho it was in 2012. It came upon us so quick we ran and jumped under a concrete pic nic table, it hailed and the trees where basically bending over and touching the ground from the wind. It was very surreal and dangerous.