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Story time / weird events dont look at Jimmy post



Thought I'd make a thread been interested in hearing stories from other people. My grandpa used to tell me lots of stories but has since passed away and I miss the creepy or weird stories lol. , would like to hear some weird events that have happened or things that spooked you either out in the woods exploring etc.. Or stories from friends or relatives that you know. I'll post one in a bit. One has to do with a time I was walking out in the woods in the middle of the night trying to find my cousin lol. Btw don't say specific names keep it confidential please.
Here's one of my most memorable stories... Me and my cousin were exploring the woods and a old run down broken up barn. (Not the same story has I mentioned above.) We loved to explore it was a bit dangerous because the support for the barn was very week and could collapse easy. Nobody had used this building for over 4 decades. So me and my cousin are walking around in the dry sandy dirt inside the building and walk through a doorway with no door and a broken wood plank hanging over the door way so you kind've had to duck. And we looked in the room and it looked normal and so we saw a mattress propped up on the corner of the wall so it formed a triangle kind've in he corner of the room. And looked like it had a bed sheet at first. A brown dirt colored bed sheet covering the top half. We got closer and we heard buzzing. It turned out we found a monster yellow jacket hive bigger than a mattress above ground. It completely shocked us and we told everybody and they came to look and eventually it was destroyed. Because it was basically a death sentence if you distrubed them.. because the amount of yellow jackets that where there. We were both thankful we did not throw around rocks or do juvenile things lol and disturb it. I wish I still had the pics. My granny still has them but they were on my old ipod touch that is now broke.
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Basically the size of this picture is what it looked like and how big it was. It was incredible. This is not the one we saw but a example on the internet58054f3557509.image.jpg
I ran over a guy in South Georgia at the hunting camp. He was dumb and walking along a dark dirt road. It was probably 2am. He probably survived. Funny story.
You just confessed to a hit and run dood lol. You've been watching too much bubble guppies lol
Was stationed in Abu Grahib in 2006. Was the last US unit onsite as we were breaking it down and handing it over to the Iraqi Army. While the US was there, we had converted the old jail cells into living quarters. Well we had decommissioned an area of the base, and wanted to go ghost hunting in the dark. Essentially this area no longer had power, and there was no one there. It was empty. Well our plan was to go through the old cells at night with no flashlights and just randomly take pictures in the rooms. Each building was a 2 story single halway running down the middle with cells on either side. The doors in and out of the building were located on the ends. They were old 1/4" metal doors, that had sagged over time, so they scratched on the concrete to open and close them, which you basically didn't do because it was so hard. It was a group of 4 of us. Yancey, Richardson (who had the camera), McCaughey, and myself. We started at one end, and I remember we had to pull the metal door open as someone had probably closed it when they shutdown the area. It was so loud that we joked that we already scared all the ghosts away. As we started, it was pitch back inside. The only light we had was the intermittent flash from the camera and the cherry on our cigarettes. About the 5th room in, we just weren't seeing anything. So we started to 'Taunt' the ghosts. "Typical Al Queda, running when they see US troops" or " Terrorists can't even scare us in death... " Well that did it. It was then when Richardson snapped a pic in a room, and a i'm telling you, in that picture a face showed up in the dust that was floating in the room that became illuminated by the flash. Right as we were seeing the picture, that 200lb metal door that rubbed on the concrete skirt slammed shut behind us. I don't think the 4 of us have ever run that fast again.

Maybe except for the night a big group of us went into the torture chambers Sadam used.
Was stationed in Abu Grahib in 2006. Was the last US unit onsite as we were breaking it down and handing it over to the Iraqi Army. While the US was there, we had converted the old jail cells into living quarters. Well we had decommissioned an area of the base, and wanted to go ghost hunting in the dark. Essentially this area no longer had power, and there was no one there. It was empty. Well our plan was to go through the old cells at night with no flashlights and just randomly take pictures in the rooms. Each building was a 2 story single halway running down the middle with cells on either side. The doors in and out of the building were located on the ends. They were old 1/4" metal doors, that had sagged over time, so they scratched on the concrete to open and close them, which you basically didn't do because it was so hard. It was a group of 4 of us. Yancey, Richardson (who had the camera), McCaughey, and myself. We started at one end, and I remember we had to pull the metal door open as someone had probably closed it when they shutdown the area. It was so loud that we joked that we already scared all the ghosts away. As we started, it was pitch back inside. The only light we had was the intermittent flash from the camera and the cherry on our cigarettes. About the 5th room in, we just weren't seeing anything. So we started to 'Taunt' the ghosts. "Typical Al Queda, running when they see US troops" or " Terrorists can't even scare us in death... " Well that did it. It was then when Richardson snapped a pic in a room, and a i'm telling you, in that picture a face showed up in the dust that was floating in the room that became illuminated by the flash. Right as we were seeing the picture, that 200lb metal door that rubbed on the concrete skirt slammed shut behind us. I don't think the 4 of us have ever run that fast again.

Maybe except for the night a big group of us went into the torture chambers Sadam used.
Thank you for your Service!
Was stationed in Abu Grahib in 2006. Was the last US unit onsite as we were breaking it down and handing it over to the Iraqi Army. While the US was there, we had converted the old jail cells into living quarters. Well we had decommissioned an area of the base, and wanted to go ghost hunting in the dark. Essentially this area no longer had power, and there was no one there. It was empty. Well our plan was to go through the old cells at night with no flashlights and just randomly take pictures in the rooms. Each building was a 2 story single halway running down the middle with cells on either side. The doors in and out of the building were located on the ends. They were old 1/4" metal doors, that had sagged over time, so they scratched on the concrete to open and close them, which you basically didn't do because it was so hard. It was a group of 4 of us. Yancey, Richardson (who had the camera), McCaughey, and myself. We started at one end, and I remember we had to pull the metal door open as someone had probably closed it when they shutdown the area. It was so loud that we joked that we already scared all the ghosts away. As we started, it was pitch back inside. The only light we had was the intermittent flash from the camera and the cherry on our cigarettes. About the 5th room in, we just weren't seeing anything. So we started to 'Taunt' the ghosts. "Typical Al Queda, running when they see US troops" or " Terrorists can't even scare us in death... " Well that did it. It was then when Richardson snapped a pic in a room, and a i'm telling you, in that picture a face showed up in the dust that was floating in the room that became illuminated by the flash. Right as we were seeing the picture, that 200lb metal door that rubbed on the concrete skirt slammed shut behind us. I don't think the 4 of us have ever run that fast again.

Maybe except for the night a big group of us went into the torture chambers Sadam used.
That reminds me of a hush hush story from iraq of the giant that killed a marine or green beret can't remeber. in the iraq cave system that locals that guiding people through the area would talk about.

Did you ever hear of the giant that killed the U.S. solider? From locals or such in your time at iraq?
My ex grandfather in law was on the USS Arizona in Pearl Harbor, survived the attack, swam to another ship, it was destroyed, made it to a 3rd. Lived through the whole thing , lived to be 95 years old. He didn’t talk much about it, but showed us the 1.75$ check the government gave him for losiing all his possessions in the attack, including his folf clubs! He never cashed it. He was good at golf and won a few amateur events in the LA area
My ex grandfather in law was on the USS Arizona in Pearl Harbor, survived the attack, swam to another ship, it was destroyed, made it to a 3rd. Lived through the whole thing , lived to be 95 years old. He didn’t talk much about it, but showed us the 1.75$ check the government gave him for losiing all his possessions in the attack, including his folf clubs! He never cashed it. He was good at golf and won a few amateur events in the LA area
I got a crazy war story from a relative as well. I'll type it tonight. It was from the Korean war.
It was very brutal I'll have to censor some of it, but it was the battle of the chosin reservoir. There's been documentaries. It's a very undertalked about battle. It had some of the worst weather imaginable during that time. Basically turning people into human popsicles by my relative when they were patrolling
5000lbs of weed disappeared from the sheriffs department years ago. They busted the backhoe operator at the land fill that stole the last few hundred lbs they buried after it was discover most was gone.
Years ago when my oldest son was little, my Wife and Sister in Law and my son and I took her truck to Columbus, GA to get smithing coal. After we got it we stopped at Walmart to get some things and dumb me forgot to turn the head lights off. Long story short, the truck was dead because Walmart was full of people. After popping the hood and trying to figure out what to do(We didn’t have any jumper cables.) I noticed a old ragged car that looked like it could barely drive pulled up an isle across from us and the younger guy in older clothes got out and walked straight up to me and asked if we needed a jump. I said yes and he pulled over in front of us and jumped us off. I told him thanks and even tried to give him a little money, but he said no thank you. As we pulled out of Walmart I saw him put his cables back in his car and begin to go in the store. We parked almost at the end.

We drove across the street to a McDonald’s or something to grab a drink. We walked in side and as I’m waiting I notice his car go down the street. The kicker is this, from where he parked, he would had just enough time to walk in the store and turn around and walk back to his car in the short time when we left the store and went in McDonald’s. As packed as the store was there is no way possible he went through the line to even buy a coke.

Until this day I still truly believe the only reason he was there was to help us.
My relatives story of the chosin reservoir incident in the Korean war.

So my relative was a young buck got drafted out to Korea can't remember all the specifics but his platoon was supposed to guard this man made island in the chosin revoir. Which was constantly been barraged by Chinese and Korean soldiers. This reservoir was basically a hill looking down on people below. Korean and Chinese soldiers would try and take control of it. And bear in mind some of the coldest temperatures ever experienced rolled around during this time frame. Not 100% sure but if I remember correctly it reached -25 degrees there maybe colder. And these guys had to stay outside and guard. My relative remebers laying down in a sniper position with fellow soldiers and he went to talk to one of them and they were dead, frozen. It was so cold there feet would be blue and black from no circulation etc etc.

He said one night in particular the Chinese and Korean soldiers took a offensive during the night, which was stupid I think it was because they could hide through the dark, but it was easy to shoot down from the hill and see them. The Chinese would always blow a horn right before they charged, I'm pretty sure the Chinese used sword or close combat alot because he recalled them trying to charge the hill. But it was all futile. Dead bodies piled up. Hard part to think about but he said it was basically just piles of bodies they eventually used them as protection like you would see sand bags used. Sad part of war but you had to do when needed to be done to insure safety.

I can't remeber entirely but he said they had to sneak out back to the shore on the east side of the peninsula or something and to get through they had to go through a enemy camp, and if i remember correctly it was at night and all the enemies where asleep and they had to assassinate them with knifes, shovels and sharp objects because they either had no bullets or where trying to be quiet. Eventually they made it through and back to the shore. Very gruesome. He has a hard time talking about it because of how violent the Korean war was.
If y'all like good stories that are true, look up Mr ballen on YouTube. He's an ex special forces guy I believe and he does a really good job telling true stories on
things that have happened that are crazy.
I served with John at Team 2 for 4-5 years. Odd dude but a lot of fun to be around. Perfect gig for him. He never stopped talking.....

Lucky to be alive too! Most people don't live through the injury he sustained
I served with John at Team 2 for 4-5 years. Odd dude but a lot of fun to be around. Perfect gig for him. He never stopped talking.....

Lucky to be alive too! Most people don't live through the injury he sustained
Yeah You got to be a little odd to tell the stories like he tells. He's good at it though...
Yeah You got to be a little odd to tell the stories like he tells. He's good at it though...
Mr ballen is a good storyteller I've probably listened to half of them. And most of them have given me chills. I've never really experienced anything that couldnt later be explained in the outdoors. But his outdoor ones get spooky. Park ranger reddit stories are pretty spooky as well
About 20 years ago me and @Downeastnc were duck hunting the mouth of Tranters creek in NC. Its subject to wind tides on a strong NW wind and can actually blow the water out of the creek. So we had set up on some deeper water as the coves were starting to run dry. As the sun came up we kept seeing something shiny catching our attention in a shallow cove that the water had blown out of. We glassed it and it was a big box with shiny handles and as we kept getting better light we realized it was most likely a coffin. After hurricane floyd flooding hundreds and hundreds of caskets had floated and went down river. This one must have settled in the cove and stuck in the mud. This was pre cellphone days so when we got home we called the sheriffs office so they could go recover it.