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Pattern August Rush 2020

Well you will get to experience some nice winter storms, tornadoes outbreaks and massive cold fronts. I can’t wait for some pictures from you in the next few months.
He lives in Oklahoma not North Dakota. Does OKC even get that much snow ? I would imagine they get about as much snow as Chattanooga since they are at about the same latitude.
He lives in Oklahoma not North Dakota. Does OKC even get that much snow ? I would imagine they get about as much snow as Chattanooga since they are at about the same latitude.
Well I don’t have to deal with the winter killing SE ridge nearly as much as the rest of you, and I know there were a couple of winter events around here the past year.
Well I don’t have to deal with the winter killing SE ridge nearly as much as the rest of you, and I know there were a couple of winter events around here the past year.
Just checked and we average about 5 inches of snow here per year. That’s 2.5x what Buford averages per year.
Gfs way north again with the core of the remnants.
Yeah up over northern Va, while the ICON is right along or just north of the Va/NC border. Also looks to drag a nice squall line through here, curious to see what the Euro shows.
Blacksburg AFD going with the euro track on the Virginia border. Tornadoes, flash flooding even tho it’s moving fast, ground is too wet. They even called yesterday a PRE EVENT with Marco that brought isolated flooding and wind damage up this way. Pretty good forecasting team they have
Gfs way north again with the core of the remnants.
Yeah up over northern Va, while the ICON is right along or just north of the Va/NC border. Also looks to drag a nice squall line through here, curious to see what the Euro shows.
So you have the icon/euro/uk not shearing and elongating the remnants into a positively tilted trough while the north american models do. Really riding the fence here, the subtropical ridge is fairly flat and more W-E oriented and the system will want to turn N then almost due E rounding the western edge. With the shortwave trough skirting across the northern tier you can see how easily it could start to interact then begin to elongate and shear the vorticity. To me the impacts on our area are fairly wide ranging from almost nada to a robust line of storms with a lot of wind reports and maybe a weak tornado to if the circulation stays far enough south and goes directly overhead maybe a narrow band of high rain totals along with tstorm wind concerns
So you have the icon/euro/uk not shearing and elongating the remnants into a positively tilted trough while the north american models do. Really riding the fence here, the subtropical ridge is fairly flat and more W-E oriented and the system will want to turn N then almost due E rounding the western edge. With the shortwave trough skirting across the northern tier you can see how easily it could start to interact then begin to elongate and shear the vorticity. To me the impacts on our area are fairly wide ranging from almost nada to a robust line of storms with a lot of wind reports and maybe a weak tornado to if the circulation stays far enough south and goes directly overhead maybe a narrow band of high rain totals along with tstorm wind concerns
Not wishcasting here but I'd usually take the icon/euro/ukie combo on handling the H5 pattern better minus the ridiculous wind maps from the euro (those things are about as bad as NAM snow maps)