Hey man I'm just saying it's nice to have weather that fits into the climo window for certain times of year. The talk of heat and humidity existing for an unrealistic number of months is tired, for a good part of the region dews don't consistently start getting into the 65-70 range until late may into early June at the earliest and shuts off around the end of August into the first week of September. Yeah it sucks that it's hell hot for most of us in the summer but wishcasting damaging late season freezes isn't going to change summer just like hoping for 90s in October isn't going to change the fact it'll still get cold in DJF. I just don't see the need to hope for 58/30 in the growing season when 66/38 pretty much feels the same without the adverse effects. It's just weird to me that in one thread some people chastise others for rooting for extreme weather but in another thread that goes out the window based on how they feel and their local impacts with no real consideration for how it does in fact impact others
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